Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2177: Best not to eat

Song Yan couldn't help but grinned when she saw that she had been cheering.

She is really not afraid of anything.

Many girls are afraid of such things. Even many girls who have gone to police academies are not willing to go out in the police station, and are more willing to choose civilian jobs.

But Yunjin seems to be different...

"Let's go." Song Yancheng picked up his things and walked out first.

Yun Jin hurriedly followed.

Guo Tong and Fang Yi also followed.

When Guo Tong saw Yunjin, he immediately came up and said, "Yunjin, let me get things for you."

"No, I can take it myself." Yun Jin said with a smile.

Guo Tong has been pursuing her all the time, and Yun Jin has always been careful to avoid him.

Not only because it is not allowed to fall in love in the school, but also because Yun Jin has not thought about this matter, and is even less willing to get involved with him.

"Yun Jin, don't be so cautious. Let me introduce to you. This is Fang Yi's senior, senior." Guo Tong introduced with a smile.

Guo Tong is in Yunjin's class, but Fang Yi is a senior. Yunjin has heard his name, but can't remember his looks.

Generally speaking, in the police school, people rarely wear casual clothes. Most of the time, they wear special clothes. There are many boys. Yunjin naturally can't tell who is who.

She nodded: "Good senior."

Fang Yi looked like he really came to study. Although his eyes lit up when he saw Yunjin, he finally smiled politely: "Hello, I heard your name."

He walked and chatted with Yun Jin, but Guo Tong was thrown aside instead.

"Yunjin, I bought you something to eat. It's almost noon. You haven't eaten yet, so let's put a cushion on your stomach." Guo Tong squeezed into the middle of the two and said.

Yun Jin is a little helpless, she really doesn't accept Guo Tong's things, nor does she accept it.

Guo Tong has been around her since the first day she came to school, no matter how straightforward she refused, it was completely useless.

Just as Yunjin was embarrassed, Song Yancheng stopped. He stretched out his hand and said, "Guo Tong, only invite Yunjin to eat? We are all hungry too."

"This..." Guo Tong thought for a while, and had to give the food in his hands to Song Yancheng, "Everyone, let's eat together. But I didn't buy much, only a little."

Song Yancheng divided into four portions, one for each, and said, "If you want to eat, eat some. The matter is urgent. I will invite you to dinner in a while."

"Okay." Yun Jin nodded gratefully. He really helped a lot when he took the food like this.

She pursed her lips and smiled, and Song Yancheng seemed to know what she was laughing at, and gave her a deep look.

Yun Jin was about to open her mouth to bite something, Song Yancheng suddenly said: "However, I actually recommend you not to eat now."

"Why?" Yun Jin didn't understand the reason.

Guo Tong and Fang Yi also looked at him.

"You'll know in a while." Song Yancheng suddenly showed an invisible smile.

Yunjin hesitated for a while, and did not eat any more.

Song Yancheng bit the food, as if what he said was only valid for them, and completely invalid for him.

Guo Tong and Fang Yi glanced at Song Yancheng, and ate their food.

Yunjin still didn't eat it, and she didn't want to accept Guo Tong's love and eat what he gave.

Now that Song Yancheng said so, she would not eat for the time being, and she was not too hungry anyway.

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