Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2179: Professionalism

"Take him out." Song Yancheng arranged, frowning slightly.

Even Yun Jin held back, but Guo Tong, a big boy, could not hold back.

There were police officers around to take Guo Tong away. Guo Tong was originally the eldest and was spoiled and spoiled since childhood. Where did you see such a scene?

He took advantage of this and hurried to the side.

Yun Jin and Fang Yi both endured it. In fact, as long as they were not afraid in their hearts and were able to endure the nausea in the front, they would basically be able to overcome them later.

Yun Jin tried to straighten her back, not to show her timidity.

Even if you don’t watch it now, you will always see it in the future. Otherwise, how can you become a policeman?

Song Yancheng couldn't help but smile when she saw a firm but somewhat scared look on her face.

Immediately, he put away his smile, lowered his head, picked up professional tools and began to look at the corpse, while saying: "The cut surface of the wound is neat, and the murderer's technique is very skillful..."

As soon as Yun Jin heard what he said, she hurriedly took out a small book and remembered it.

Fang Yi also listened carefully.

Once Song Yancheng entered the state, his entire face was focused and determined.

He flipped through it while dictating, his expression calm and professional, convincing every word and sentence he said.

Looking at his expression, Yun Jin felt a lot of admiration in his heart.

It is no wonder that the entire school and the police station value Song Yancheng so much.

He does have such capital that is valued by the police station and the school.

Song Yancheng said, while letting people sort out the corpses in a certain way, Yun Jin also filled out all the methods he said and recorded them in the notebook.

It took him almost two hours to deal with this process before he cleaned up the general situation of the scene.

Finally, he straightened up and said: "That's it. After you do the evidence collection for the rest of the scene, please handle it."

Both Yun Jin and Fang Yi looked at him with admiration. Song Yancheng took off his gloves and said, "Okay, it's done. I want to go back to the autopsy room first to see more of the deceased."

"Good." Yun Jin said immediately.

This time Song Yancheng made her see a lot, and she couldn't wait to learn more.

" go to eat first?" Song Yancheng suggested that she was still hungry.

Yun Jin shook his head: "No, I'm not hungry yet."

What's more, when I saw the scene just now, she was panicking in her stomach and really couldn't eat.

Song Yancheng nodded and asked her to follow Fang Yi to the autopsy room.

As for Guo Tong, he came here once, and after seeing the corpse, he felt sick again. In the end, he couldn't take it anymore and went out for tea with someone.

One afternoon, Song Yancheng was in the autopsy room. She did not leave for half a step, and recorded every word he said.

These are all heavy and precious experiences.

When night fell, Song Yancheng told the other police officers: "This murderer will not stop for the time being. Pay close attention to it. Otherwise, more victims will appear."

"So... this is still a serial murder case?" The police officers suddenly became highly nervous.

"Yes, but I don't have more clues for the time being. I only know that the killer is skilled, left-handed, and a little lame. You should pay attention to the professions of doctors, butchers, chefs and related aspects involving knife skills." Said.

"Why is this person?" Fang Yi was also curious.

Yun Jin also pricked his ears to sound.

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