Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2186: Accountability

"I won't tell you." Yun Jin made a face, picked up the bag and ran out all the way.

When she ran to the school gate, Song Yancheng's car was already there.

Yun Jin got into the car, his expression was solemn, and he said, "I want to go back to the police station immediately. If you have a chance, follow me."

In fact, she was afraid that it would be unsafe to wander outside after she leaves school on the weekend.

If the case is not solved for a day, the boundary of this land will not be peaceful.

"Yeah," Yun Jin nodded heavily.

On the radio in the car, news is being broadcast: "Several murders and corpses have been reported recently..."

Song Yancheng turned off the radio.

Yun Jin asked strangely: "Song Xuechang, haven't the case been solved yet? Why is it even broadcast on the radio station?"

"Someone leaked the secret and was discovered by the reporter." He explained briefly.

Yun Jin felt a little nervous, and said hurriedly, "I didn't tell anyone..."

"I never doubted you."

Yun Jin felt relieved, and then asked: "Are the consequences serious?"

"Don't worry." Song Yancheng just said.

Yun Jin felt that the situation was a bit serious.

Back at the police station, Director Guo was cursing, "Who is it? Who the **** is it? Revealing such important information? How did I warn you?"

He patted the table, his face pale.

Song Yancheng and Yun Jin walked in, and Director Guo pointed at him and said, "Xiao Song, let this girl go!"

"Director Guo, Yunjin was sent by the school for internship." Song Yancheng refused directly.

"Why don't you practice internship? There are no such useless people here. All the idlers and others will leave me." Director Guo waved his hand and hurried people impatiently.

The news leaked, the entire Jingzhou city was panicked, the citizens complained extensively, and the Internet was full of voices scolding the police station for incompetence.

The municipal police station and the national police station called specifically for accountability.

Director Guo could hardly bear the pressure.

Song Yancheng glanced sideways: "Guo Tong can stay, why can't Yunjin?"

Director Guo was questioned.

He didn't expect that someone would dare to give him offense directly.

"Girls, what can you do if you stay?" He asked rhetorically, slightly weaker.

"At least, she won't vomit everywhere." Song Yancheng raised his eyes and stared at Guo Tong.

Everyone's eyes turned to Guo Tong, and the young master's face was blue and white.

Director Guo's face couldn't come down: "Xiao Song, you're not finished yet, are you?"

"I am a normal request." Song Yancheng frowned.

Director Guo's national character also had anger on his face.

The atmosphere froze for a while.

Immediately someone stepped forward to complete the battle and said, "Director Guo, forget it, Officer Song is busy with the case, and it is good to have someone as his assistant. It is also good to help him. Xiao Song, you apologize to Director Guo."

"I'm right, why do you have to apologize?" Song Yancheng's face was cold.

Director Guo's originally somewhat relaxed expression tightened again.

Everyone smiled and said, "Director Guo, you have a large number of adults, forgive Xiao Song for being young. Besides, everyone is doing things for the people to solve cases, don't worry."

Director Guo said generously: "Forget it, young man, I don't care. That little girl will stay. The meeting."

Song Yancheng said: "Before the suspect was identified in this case, the news leaked out and was reported by the media. First, the person who leaked the secret should be held accountable and resolutely prevent this incident from happening again; , To closely monitor whether anyone will commit crimes by imitating the murderer’s criminal methods."

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