Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2191: Apologize to me!

Fang Yi stood up and yelled at Song Yancheng: "It's not just you who are so powerful! I can also solve the case!"

The policeman pressed him down.

Fang Yi raised his head with bloodthirsty hostility in his eyes, and pointed at Song Yancheng's nose with his right finger: "Song Yancheng, I can too!"

"Take him down." Director Guo waved.

Fang Yi was taken away.

Guo Tong glanced at Yun Jin and said, "Fang Yi is really not easy, do you know why he tried so hard to solve the case?"

"Anyway, he is not like some people, just willing to eat and wait to die."

"Huh, because he doesn't even have the chance to eat and wait to die. Only those who come out of your police school can stay in the police station in Jingzhou City. Most of the others can only be assigned to remote areas. Become a policeman in the area. There are even people who are not even qualified to go to remote places!" Guo Tong looked at Yunjin with his arms folded.

He believed that Yun Jin was born ordinary, and if he didn't compromise with him, he would never be able to work in a police station in such a good location.

Yun Jin smiled contemptuously. In his mind, is there always only such a vulgar thing?

Guo Tong thought he was victorious and looked at Yun Jin: "Fang Yi is an orphan. He has struggled until now. He is a senior again. That's why he wants to solve a case quickly and hopes to stay with us one day. Fang Yidu Work hard, how about you?"

"My business, you can't control it. But I didn't leak the secrets, you have to apologize to me!" Yun Jin said loudly.

Guo Tong immediately confided.

She didn't force Yun Jin to say no, but she turned against the army.

"Master Guo, dare to do it or not?" Yun Jin looked up at him.

Director Guo couldn't come down, and said, "Guo Tong, apologize to Yun Jin."

"I'm sorry." Guo Tong said perfunctorily.

"If you slander me in front of everyone, shouldn't you apologize in front of everyone?"

Song Yancheng waved his hand to let all the police officers come over.

Guo Tong's face was pale and red, and said, "I'm sorry."

After speaking, Director Guo took Guo Tong and walked away.

The other police officers also felt very happy, but looking at Yun Jin, they were a little worried about her future.

She has a very pleasing temperament, but she offends Director Guo. From now on, let alone work, there may be no internship opportunities.

Yun Jin didn't care about it.

Song Yancheng was about to take her back to rest, but suddenly thought of something and asked: "Yun Jin, Fang Yi is an orphan?"

"Yes, Guo Tong seems to have said that just now. But I don't know him well. He has always been hazy in my eyes."

Song Yancheng let go of her and strode towards Guo Tong. Before Guo Tong had gone far, he was caught by Song Yancheng.

"What are you doing?" Guo Tong looked back unhappy.

"Where is Fang Yi's personal information?" Song Yancheng asked.

"how could I know?"

"Then you know he is an orphan?"

Guo Tong crossed his hands: "I heard what the teacher said. He grew up in an orphanage and he is good at cooking. This time he did this too quickly..."

Director Guo interrupted and said: "Xiao Song, Fang Yi did something wrong this time, but it is normal for young people to make mistakes. We still focus on criticism and education. Fortunately, the victim did not die this time..."

Song Yancheng didn't listen to their rumors at all, turned around and called the school: "I want Fang Yi's personal information! Right now!"

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