Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2193: Crisis Assault

"Song Yancheng, I order you!" Director Guo shouted.

Obeying orders is the duty of the police.

Director Guo was so, so that Song Yancheng had nowhere to go.

He pushed Song Yancheng away and shouted, "Everyone will come with me."

Others can only follow in the footsteps of Director Guo.

Song Yancheng couldn't stop it.

"Then senior, what about me? Can I help?" Yun Jin asked.

"Fang Yi is very cunning, and he is also very dangerous. The risk of arresting this time is very high. You can't go. It's not safe here. I'll send you back to my apartment to rest. I will contact you at any time."

Although Yun Jin wanted to follow along, she nodded.

She knew that she did not have enough ability to help, so she couldn't make trouble.

Song Yancheng left with someone.

He looked back at Yun Jin and turned to leave.

There are not many people in the district police station. This time with so many police forces to arrest Fang Yi, there are not many people left.

Yun Jin was a little anxious, and the remaining two police officers were responsible for sending her back to Song Yancheng's apartment to rest.

A police officer made a cup of coffee for her and delivered it to her: "Yunjin, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with so many police officers. You drink something first."

Yun Jin was holding the cup, but not in the mood to drink, and smiled at him.

After Song Yancheng and the others went out, they were rounded up, but there was no definite news.

At this moment, it is already late at night. If Fang Yi has not been caught, as the night darkens, the picture on the monitor will gradually become more unclear.

It is very likely that Fang Yi's whereabouts will be lost.

"Let's go, Yun Jin, we will take you back." The police officer said.

Yun Jin stood up.

But suddenly, all the lights in the entire police station went out, and all the backup power supplies went out.

Yun Jin and the two police officers were very strange and said, "What's the matter?"

"Where is the switch?" Yun Jin asked, "Let's go and have a look."

"Okay. It's rare to trip, and it's really unlucky today." The police officer said, walking out with Yun Jin.

When we reached the corridor, a pungent smell of blood suddenly came.

The policeman shouted: "Uncle Li, are you there?"

Uncle Li is the guard in the uppermost room on this floor, and he happens to be on duty tonight.

The policeman asked a few words aloud, but received no response.

Yun Jin's sixth sense suddenly thought of a terrible fact, and Fang Yi was back!

The entire district police station sent police forces to round up Fang Yi, and the remaining police force was very limited.

And Fang Yi is very likely to come back.

Song Yancheng's guess was right, with Fang Yi's cunning, he absolutely couldn't wait to die.

When he came back, no one in the police station could deal with it.

The police officer was about to step out, and Yun Jin immediately caught him and said in a low voice: "Fang Yi may be back. You must be careful. I will call the senior now."

She took out her mobile phone, but found that the mobile phone had no signal and the network could not be connected.

"Where is the landline?" Yun Jin asked in a low voice.

"The nearest one is in the corner of the conference room," the police officer said.

"I want to go back and find the landline. You two will stay with me. You can't give Fang Yi the opportunity."

Yunjin went back, found the landline, picked it up, and found that the landline line had been cut long ago, making it impossible to make calls.

Her heart tightened.

Suddenly, a beam of flashlight shined.

Yun Jin pushed the other two police officers, and the three quickly hid behind the conference table.

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