However, Song Yancheng is not a person who will compromise with Director Guo.

He changed the conversation, "I hope that the director will stop interfering with my actions when I encounter any cases in the future."

Director Guo smiled and hid the knife: "Yes, yes, of course. This time, it's Xiao Song and Guo Tong. You can deserve a second-class credit."

Yun Jin felt sick when he saw his face like this.

Had it not been for her to expose his hypocrisy in front of the reporter just now, I am afraid that he would have given Guo Tong the title of top skill long ago?

"Don't worry about Yunjin, I will also give you a perfect internship certificate." Director Guo swept over.

Yun Jin snorted, nonchalantly.

"Guo Tong was indeed injured this time. There was no credit and hard work." Director Guo smiled.

Guo Tong stood behind him, with the arrogant young master's smile on his face, looking at Yun Jin, with a triumphant face, as if he had a father in power, he had everything.

Yun Jin stepped forward with anger and punched him in the face.

"Yunjin, what are you doing?" Guo Tong and Director Guo both roared angrily.

"It's nothing, okay, you can take the second-class work. Don't forget, Director Guo, because of your judgment, the guard who stayed behind in the police station, Uncle Li, is still dying. Everything you want is just walking In the blood of the innocent."

Director Guo looked ugly, and he absolutely didn't want to mention this matter again.

But Yun Jin repeatedly exposed his scars.

Director Guo and Guo Tong looked at each other and walked away.

Yun Jin returned to Song Yancheng and said softly, "I promise, this is the last time I have caused trouble."

"It's okay, I'll do it for you." Song Yancheng smiled. He believed that with his strength, Director Guo dare not do anything to him and Yun Jin.

Yun Jin laughed.

Song Yancheng recuperated for a few days before being discharged from the hospital.

In the past few days, Yun Jin has been taking care of him in the hospital, and the two of them are tacitly concerned, and their relationship has grown by leaps and bounds.

However, because the case was solved, Yun Jin had to go back to school instead.

Director Guo made a special visit to the school and personally delivered an internship report to Yun Jin.

"Yun Jin, you come to the principal's office." The head teacher knows everything.

"Yun Jin, what happened?" Ai Jia asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Yun Jin smiled and comforted, "I will be back soon."

She still doesn't believe that Director Guo can cover the sky with one hand.

In the principal’s office, Yun Jin saw Director Guo, and Director Guo smiled and said: "Yun Jin, look, I personally sent you the internship report. Principal, Yun Jin performed quite well in this internship, but , I heard that the school does not allow dating, so Yunjin, you have to stay a little bit more."

Sure enough, he hid the knife in the smile. As soon as he came, he sold the relationship between Yun Jin and Song Yancheng.

Yun Jin admitted this. After all, the school has regulations. She smiled and said, "I understand, don't worry about Director Guo."

"And your impatient temper, you should change it. Otherwise, the impact will be great in the future."

Director Guo’s overt and secret depreciation, the principal has long been aware of it, and he also understood Director Guo’s meaning. When that time comes, at school, she should be suppressed.

"If you don't change it, I'm afraid you will suffer at school and the police station in the future." Director Guo said with a smile, looking like a kind elder, but in his bones a vulgar loser.

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