Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2204: Inspector arrives

Guo Tong also expected Yunjin not to be involved in such a serious matter, so he didn't worry at all.

"I have already thought about it, I want to call the police. Moreover, I don't need you to go to the police. I apply for your avoidance." Yun Jin said immediately.

The last sentence was very professional. Director Guo was taken aback for a moment, and when Yun Jinlai was really good, he said: "Okay, then you call the police, I will avoid it."

Even if Yun Jin reports to the police, only the police officers of the district police station will be dispatched. They are all Director Guo's subordinates. He wants to see who dares to take care of his affairs.

The principal and the head teacher did not want to make things so big: "Director Guo, Yun Jin, I think this matter must be a misunderstanding, or it is better not to call the police. Calling the police is not good for Yun Jin himself, right?"

Seeing Yunjin's resolute attitude, they already believed that Guo Tong must have harassed Yunjin.

To say that Yunjin is beautiful, it is obvious to all. Guo Tong's pursuit of Yunjin, as long as it doesn't make a lot of trouble, everyone is just opening their eyes and closing their eyes.

If Yun Jin really reports to the police to make things worse, it will eventually hinder Guo Tong's reputation.

Naturally, they are going to help Director Guo make a round.

"Yun Jin, I think this matter is not a big deal. You and Guo Tong should apologize to each other." The principal said in the middle. To the point of death."

Guo Tong was unwilling to give in, and said, "Apologize for what? You can do whatever you want, isn't you Lu Yunjin willing to beat me? I don't believe that you can't be cured."

If Lu Yunjin can't be cured even today, how will he give her offense in the future?

Guo Tong is here relying on Laozi, so he has to make things worse.

Yun Jin said with a cold snort, "Report, who is afraid of whom."

She took out the phone directly.

Guo Tong said loudly: "That's it, you're making trouble like this, and I won't be surnamed Guo if things don't cause trouble."

Director Guo also took the attitude of his son, sat down, picked up the cigarette and smoked slowly.

When he was in the police station before, he was afraid of Song Yancheng, so he was quite tolerant to Yunjin.

Now that Song Yancheng is not backing him up, he has to settle accounts with Yunjin and let her know who is the boss of the police station!

Yun Jin picked up the phone to call the police.

The principal and the head teacher couldn't make peace when they met, so she could only let her call the police.

Yun Jin put down the phone.

The principal and the head teacher couldn't help saying: "Yun Jin, you have to think about your future! What to say and not to say in a while, think about it yourself!"

In these words, on the surface it was for her good, but secretly it carried countless threats.

Yun Jin looked up at them: "I have already thought about it. Didn't Guo Tong want to be fair? I beat him, why beat him, there will be fairness naturally. It's fine when the police come."

Director Guo snorted, disapproving.

He didn't believe that he could do nothing but a small girl. With the help of his son, he wanted to keep her memory long.

Soon, an inspector came over.

When Yun Jin called the police, he specifically chose the principle of evading Director Guo and not allowing him to directly participate in the case, so an inspector came.

The authority of the inspector is higher than that of Director Guo.

Most people who report to the police are not so professional, only Yunjin, who is familiar with the laws of Jingzhou City and knows how to protect their personal interests.

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