Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2237: A place of peace

So the job arranged for her is also very easy. It is a traffic policeman, and there are not many things to deal with every day.

Not to mention any danger.

The entire royal family also felt that this arrangement was very good, and should let Yun Jin go out and relax.

When she wants to return to the royal family, let her come back.

Give her some time alone now.

Yun Jin likes her current job very much. It is free and simple, which fits her current state of mind.

Before leaving, tomorrow night, she will not let her go, so she will stay for a few days.

"Really sure, go to another place? Not stay in Jingzhou City?" asked Ming Ye coldly.

"Well, I'm sure." Yun Jin nodded, "I also want to look everywhere, and then stabilize after a few years."

Ming Ye Leng also knew that too many things had happened to her in recent years, and nodded: "Okay, then you go. It's okay to live a free life by yourself for a few years. Don't think too much."

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded, "Then I will go to the second brother's side tonight, pack a little and set off in two days. When I set out, I will call you again."

Nodding coldly tomorrow night.

Yun Jin quickly returned to Lu Yiyang to pack his things.

Now Lu Yiyang has also graduated and went to work at the police station. He will soon become the backbone of the police station.

Yun Jin has been living with him recently.

Ai Jia called her: "Yunjin, I heard that you are going to work elsewhere. Let's have a meal together."

"Okay." Yun Jin agreed.

When she saw Ai Jia, she found that Jin Wanrou was also there.

"Yunjin, long time no see." Jin Wanrou smiled.

Yun Jin said in surprise: "Why are you in Jingzhou City, haven't you been back to your hometown before?"

With a hint of resentment in her eyes, Jin Wanrou said softly: "Yes, something happened this time. You were injured last time, and I didn't see you when I went to the hospital."

Ai Jia smiled and said: "Yun Jin, you said that by coincidence, the city where you went to work this time happened to be Jin Wanrou's hometown."

"What a coincidence?" Yun Jin laughed, "Can we see each other often in the future?"

"Yes." Jin Wanrou smiled, "It's just that there is a big difference between the work I do and yours. After the last time off, I didn't go to school anymore. Without education, I will never find it. Work like you."

Yun Jin couldn't help asking: "What happened to you?"

"My dad... passed away seriously ill, and his stepmother took all the money from the family. So after the suspension of school at that time, I dropped out directly." Jin Wanrou voiced regret.

Yun Jin is also a little regretful. At that time, she and Ai Jia had forgotten to ask Jin Wanrou about her situation.

But at that time, because a lot of things happened to her, she didn't care about it.

Jin Wanrou smiled and said, "But it's okay. I'm fine now. As a cashier in the supermarket, my life is quite stable."

"That's good." Ai Jia and Yun Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Jin Wanrou smiled and asked, "By the way, Yunjin, why did you think of working in such a remote place? My city is quite far away from Jingzhou City."

Yun Jin couldn't tell by herself. Maybe she had stayed in Jingzhou City for a long time. She wanted to find a place where no one knew her, so she could simply stay alone for a few days.

Ai Jia knows that Yun Jin has experienced too many things in recent years, and she knows that she may be looking for a peaceful place.

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