Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2259: Eat at ease

"It's not." Shen Jiwei grabbed her into his car and reached out to pick her clothes.

"Hey, hey, Shen Jiwei..." Yun Jin yelled in panic.

"Come to eat with me, and wear this one too?" He raised his eyebrows.

Yun Jin looked at his job position. Shen Jiwei's subordinates had changed their traffic police uniforms and stood up and directing traffic in a decent way. There is nothing Yun Jin has done now.

Yun Jin had to change clothes first, and then went to dinner with him.

"But the work thing..."

"I have been in City D for many years, and I know better than you here. You should do your job well, but you don't need to take care of things you shouldn't do." Shen Jiwei said.

Yunjin had no choice but to stop struggling.

Shen Jiwei chose a quiet place to eat. Knowing that Yunjin likes to eat in places with few people, he specifically chose a quiet and elegant place.

When he finished ordering food and went to the bathroom to wash his hands, he called his subordinates by the way: "Check who the traffic bureau is dead and let Yun Jin take the field duty."

Soon the subordinates found out: "There is an ordinary employee in the Transportation Bureau, a woman in her forties who is always picky about new women. She is very demanding when assigning jobs, so she asked Miss Lu to go on duty."

"Okay, then find a chance to let her go on the field work by herself. It won't take too long, two years will be fine." Shen Jiwei hung up.

He returned to the table.

Yun Jin said with a smile: "Strange, my colleague informed me that I don't have to go on duty in the future, and also said that I made a mistake in the assignment of work today, so that I can leave work early."

"So you can eat at ease."

"It turns out that they said that women really don't need to be on the field, unless it's particularly busy in the season." Yun Jin said with a smile, "Is this too preferential treatment for women?"

Shen Jiwei smiled and said, "Isn’t it what it should be? The country stipulates that. If someone is messing around, it’s absolutely impossible. Let’s not talk about it. I ordered fresh fish at night, and all the fish were newly caught. , You try in a while."

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded.

Soon the fish came.

The fish here are all wild and naturally grown, and the taste is very delicious.

Because the fish here cannot be raised in other water without the water in this river, they cannot be transported.

To eat this kind of fish, you have to come by the river.

So there is no way to enjoy this kind of deliciousness in other places.

And each kind of fish can be made into a variety of different flavors. Fish head soup, the upper half is steamed, and the second half is braised in brown sauce. You can enjoy a variety of ways to eat a fish.

Yunjin likes to eat fish, and when the fish is served, he eats very full.

"If you like it, come back next time."


Watching the night view, eating fish, and enjoying the cool breeze here is refreshing.

Knowing that Yun Jin didn't like too intimate touch, Shen Jiwei didn't force her anymore, just accompany her as much as possible.

In the evening, she was also sent back to the apartment to rest as usual.

When Yun Jin just fell asleep, she heard the knock on the door, she got up and opened the door. When she saw Jin Wanrou, she couldn't help frowning: "What are you doing? Didn't you tell me not to come to me?"

"Yun Jin, my stepmother has taken over my father's estate, and I want to come back. Do you have any lawyers you can recommend?"

"No." Yunjin was about to close.

Jin Wanrou held up the door: "Yun Jin, I had trouble doing things before. Now I know I was wrong, can't you help me?"

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