Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2276: Accompany you

"Yeah." Shen Jiwei no longer struggled with this topic.

Yun Jin lay softly on his chest, and he had no intention of discussing such topics.

Yun Jin looked at him, smiled and asked, "Then what are we doing today?"

"Do—what you love to do." Shen Jiwei lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Those last night were simply not enough, not enough to make up for his tolerance for so long, and not enough to calm his thoughts about her.

"Yeah..." Yun Jin was hugged by him without guard, and went straight back to the bedroom.

When he was thrown into the soft big bed, her body sank severely on the bed, and Shen Jiwei bullied herself on her body: "Just stay with me for these two days."

"But..." Yunjin hadn't finished yet, and was completely suppressed by him, and there was no room for further struggle.

For two days in a row, Yunjin was recovering from the bed.

Of course, this kind of healing made her hands heal, but the injuries in other places were even more serious.

Although Shen Jiwei applied the ointment to her, she was still suffering from backaches, and she couldn't bear such wildness.

But when she was so painful and happy, she was trapped in it, as if she was eager to be loved so deeply and fiercely by him.


After Yunjin was recuperating for two or three days, her hands recovered very well. Shen Jiwei took care of her and supplemented her with soup and water. Soon, not only did her injury heal, her complexion was also very ruddy.

After breakfast, she smiled: "Then I will go to work."

"I'll accompany you." Shen Jiwei held her hand.

Zou Liqi was injured, Zou Zhengke may not be willing to give up.

Let Yun Jin face it alone, he was not relieved.

When the car reached the door of the Transportation Bureau, Shen Jiwei got out of the car with Yun Jin's hand.

When they saw him and Yun Jin appear, everyone looked at them one after another.

When something happened to Yunjin that night, because of the dinner, most people knew that Zou Liqi wanted to offend Yunjin, but he was severely injured and admitted to the hospital.

Yunjin hasn't been here in the past two days, and many people still care about her.

Until now, seeing her coming, everyone couldn't help but talk.

Many male colleagues wanted to come forward to comfort Yun Jin, but before she even started, she was overwhelmed by Shen Jiwei's momentum next to her.

Yun Jin held hands with Shen Jiwei, her face showed a sweet smile, which made people know what was going on at first glance.

"Yunjin, you are finally here." Someone said hello first.

"Well, I officially resumed work today." Yun Jin said with a smile.

Everyone nodded, thinking that Yun Jin would not be able to stay because of Zou Liqi.

It now appears that not only did she stay, but she was not affected at all.

"This is my boyfriend." Yun Jin said to everyone embarrassedly, but she didn't feel embarrassed when she thought about it, so she became calm after she finished speaking.


Many people around, sighed with obvious regrets.

But in fact, I also know that there is no need to sigh, Yun Jin is beautiful and beautiful, and Shen Jiwei standing next to her is also handsome and handsome, and looks like a good match to her.

Other men who want to pursue will inevitably shrink back if they weigh their own level.

"I'm going to work, so why don't you go back first?" Yun Jin asked Shen Jiwei with a smile.

Shen Jiwei nodded: "Okay. If anyone asks you anything, call me first."

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