Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2282: Will be back soon

"Yes, I believe them too. By the way, what did you just say?"

Yun Jin wanted to talk about her marriage to Shen Jiwei.

However, thinking of the absence of her eldest brother, my mother was also very worried. Now that I said, even taking Shen Jiwei home is not the best time.

After thinking about it, she said: "It's nothing, I just want to talk about Brother Xiaobai's birthday, I won't go back. If you want to celebrate for him, help me prepare a better gift."

In the end, Yun Jin did not say anything about Shen Jiwei.

"Okay, I see." Yun Wei smiled. She has always understood the relationship between Mo Yanbai and Yun Jin, and she also understands that there are things that cannot be forced.

Although it is a pity, it is impossible for her to make decisions on behalf of her daughter, who to like and whom to marry.

That is Yunjin's life, not hers.

Everything, you have to let Yunjin do it herself.

Yun Jin put down the phone, smiled, forget it, since the eldest brother and they are not free now, they are not in a hurry.

Besides, it didn't take long for Shen Jiwei.

It's just that even she herself felt strange, and it didn't take long before she actually started planning for him wholeheartedly.

Putting away the phone, she returned to her desk to deal with work matters.


Jin Wanrou went to find Yunjin that day. After being scolded by Shen Jiwei, she was so scared that she did not dare to look for Yunjin for several days.

In fact, Yun Jin has nothing to do with her anymore.

She was just not reconciled.

Not reconciled to Yunjin's life so chic and hot, life so colorful.

In the past, she envied Yunjin. Yunjin was full of enthusiasm for everything she did, and she was never afraid of anything. She dared to say and dare to act, as long as it was recognized, she would definitely do it.

As long as it is something that is unfair, she will definitely jump out to speak and strive to fight for herself.

When Jin Wanrou stood beside her before, she often felt ashamed of herself.

Now, Jin Wanrou got the money and the family property, but in front of Yun Jin, she still couldn't hold herself up.

This makes her want to find her place in front of Yunjin all the time.

Especially Mo Yanbai's things made her even more jealous.

Thinking about this, she couldn't help it anymore and picked up the phone and called Mo Yanbai.

Mo Yanbai picked it up.

Her words softened: "Master Mo..."

"What's the matter?" Mo Yanbai put down the files in his hands.

"Will you come to City D recently? Yun Jin always said, "I miss you so much, why haven't you come to see her for so long?"

Mo Yanbai hasn't contacted Yunjin for a long time.

Thinking of Yun Jin's smiling face, his heart moved slightly.

"Master Mo, if you can't come any longer, Yunjin will be chased away. Are you really sure not to come?"

"Yunjin is in love?" Mo Yanbai's heart tightened.

Although Yun Jin had clearly rejected him, he couldn't help but be moved.

"I will come. But don't let Yun Jin know." Mo Yanbai said.

After hanging up the phone, he stood up, called the assistant, and asked the assistant to book him a ticket.

Mo Lian ran in and said with a smile: "Big Brother. Where are you going?"

"I'm going to D City."

"Are you going to see Yunjin?"

"A bit of work." Mo Yanbai looked at his sister lovingly, "will be back soon."

Mo Lian followed him and said, "But it's your birthday in two days. Are you sure you want to leave? My parents will definitely spare time to celebrate your birthday."

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