Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2285: No ordinary existence

"Let go of him!" Shen Jiwei's voice came, coldly, and entered Mo Yanbai and Yun Jin's ears.

"Ji Wei." Yun Jin ran to Shen Jiwei's side.

Mo Yanbai looked at Shen Jiwei, Yun Jin stood beside him very attached, and could see that it was a feeling she had never had for other men.

Shen Jiwei, in her mind, is really not an ordinary existence.

Mo Yanbai felt tricky.

But no matter how difficult it is, he can't let Yun Jin go wrong.

"Mo Yanbai, you want to take Yunjin away, you haven't asked me yet." Shen Jiwei looked at Mo Yanbai with an unfriendly light in his eyes.

Yun Jin pulled his sleeves: "Brother Xiaobai is a cousin, don't be so rude."

Mo Yanbai gritted his teeth and pondered for a moment: "Shen Jiwei, find a place, let's talk alone."

"Brother Xiaobai, what are you going to say? I will be there too." Yun Jin said uneasy.

She was afraid that the only difference between Mo Yanbai and Shen Ji would cause problems.

One is a relative and the other is a boyfriend. She naturally does not want any misunderstanding between them.

"Yunjin, you go to the car and wait for me." Shen Jiwei said.

"I don't." Yun Jin refused to leave, pulling at Shen Jiwei's sleeve.

"Hey, go there and wait for me. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Although Mo Yanbai hated Shen Jiwei, he also agreed with this decision: "Yun Jin, you go first, I promise not to do it."

Yun Jin looked at Shen Jiwei: "Then you shouldn't do it, okay?"

"Good." Shen Jiwei responded.

Yun Jin compromised and returned to Shen Jiwei's car, looking at the two of them, not knowing what they were going to say.

When Yun Jin left, Mo Yanbai's tone turned cold: "Shen Jiwei, you should know that Yun Jin used to be Song Yancheng's girlfriend. Now that she has amnesia, are you with her?"

"Song Yancheng is dead. The person Yun Jin liked the most was me, not Song Yancheng. Is there a problem?"

"You know what identity you are!" Mo Yanbai stepped forward and stared at him, "Your identity will only drag Yunjin into hell, not for her benefit!"

"So what?" Shen Jiwei didn't care at all.

Mo Yanbai held back his hands: "If you really like her, just let her go and break up with her! You are not the same person with her, don't delay her!"


Mo Yanbai grabbed his skirt: "Shen Jiwei! You must leave Yunjin!"

Shen Jiwei blocked his hand: "That is something that will never be possible. The matter between me and Yunjin has nothing to do with any outsider, including you!"

"Well, in that case, do you think Yun Jin will stay with you after knowing your true identity?" Mo Yanbai threatened.

Shen Jiwei sneered, and the corners of his lips were full of mockery: "Even if Yun Jin is not with me, she will never be with you."

"I'm not talking about my business, it's you! You know what your identity is. Yun Jin is a policeman and she will never tolerate your identity."

"That's not the reason why I separated from her." Shen Jiwei pushed him away, "If it's okay, I won't be with him."

"Shen Jiwei!" Mo Yanbai reached out and grabbed him.

Shen Jiwei separated him with a backhand.

"Leave Yunjin!" Mo Yanbai roared angrily.

"Unless I walk on my body." Shen Jiwei's words were calm and calm, and he didn't pay attention to Mo Yanbai's threat.

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