Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2288: Not without blame

The subordinates suffered from pain, and still dutifully said: "Master, our people have followed..."

Shen Jiwei ignored him, even Mo Yanbai, and got into his car. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car left suddenly.

Yun Jin was taken away, and his heart suddenly seemed to be missing, suffocating with pain.

Mo Yanbai also chased up immediately, and he called Shen Jiwei: "Shen Jiwei, Yunjin has something to do with you. You'd better tell me immediately, what enemies you have recently! If Yunjin is half moved by someone Hair, I will never let you go!"

"If you have the ability, check it yourself, Officer Mo." Shen Jiwei hung up the phone mockingly.

There was sarcasm on the corners of his lips, but he was searching quickly in his heart. Which enemy would it be that would attack Yunjin?

There are not many people who know that Yunjin exists, and they want to attack Yunjin for revenge.

Shen Jiwei's heart suddenly that's why Mo Yanbai wanted to take Yunjin away.

With his identity alone, it is already possible to bring countless troubles to Yunjin.

Needless to say, he personally retaliated against Yun Jin. The woman who stayed by his side had to have a strong heart and a tough nerve.

Yunjin, where is she now?

Mo Yanbai also immediately led to an investigation as to whose person could take Yunjin away.

He slammed a fist on the steering wheel, and if he hadn't been too impulsive just now, he wouldn't have made Yun Jin sad and run away.

If she hadn't been upset because of her confusion, how could an ordinary person take her away?

Thinking of this, Mo Yanbai blamed himself.

Shen Jiwei is also constantly calling out.

In D City, his network is everywhere.

It is impossible for someone to take Yunjin away out of thin air without letting him know.

He called the subordinates who followed the car where Yun Jin was taken away. Those subordinates were too scared to speak: "Master...we just lost it..."

"Damn it!" Shen Jiwei had no intention of scolding his subordinates, and immediately re-arranged other things.

When arrangements were made, Shen Jiwei's car stopped, and several subordinates had already brought all his recent enemies.

"Where did Yunjin go?" Shen Ji only got out of the car and asked, taking advantage of his face, his whole body exuded the cold and harsh aura that no strangers should enter, which shocked the enemies.

"Yi Shao, what Yunjin, we don't know." The few people said bitterly.

"Don't know?" Shen Jiwei said coldly, "Fight."

"Yi Shao, we really don't know..." The few people were beaten and wailed, "Yi Shao, we really don't know anything..."

"Take it until you say it." Shen Jiwei didn't show mercy at all.

There has been no feedback from Yunjin.

The most suspicious are these recent enemies.

He stood with his back to them, his entire face was covered with a shadow, and a strong cold air pressure was exuding all over his body.

"Yi Shao, Wei Shao... We really haven't touched you..." The few people cried and cried, "How dare we...really none..."

Shen Jiwei didn't mean to speak, just keep fighting.

Subordinates are getting heavier and heavier, and blood is splashing with the howling of ghosts and wolves.

One of those who was beaten shouted: "Yi Shao, Wei Shao, I seem to remember..."

"Stop it." Shen Jiwei finally called to stop.

He reached out and grabbed the man, and said coldly, "Say!"

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