Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2299: The wound that cannot be crossed

Shen Jiwei walked in, and the lights in the ward had been adjusted to a very soft night sleep mode.

Yunjin slept soundly.

There is a natural pear vortex on her sweet cheeks because of relaxation, but her mood is not stable, her brows are still slightly frowned.

Shen Jiwei took her hand and reached out to smooth her eyebrows.

The question Shen Cheng asked, he has no answer now, and he doesn't know when the answer will come.

He stared at Yun Jin's face and reached out to touch her cheek. What kind of feelings did she have for him now?

In the bottom of her heart, is there a Song Yancheng who lives forever, or has he taken the place of Song Yancheng?

Since she had never liked Mo Yanbai, why did she be so unsympathetic to Song Yancheng in the first place?

He couldn't let go of his feelings for her, even at the expense of his life, but this matter was always a hurdle.

The deaths of his younger brother and mother lay in his heart forever, making him unable to cross.

It also became a wound he couldn't overcome.

So Yun Jin is willing to protect him with life. Is it subconsciously because of him or because of the indelible feelings for Song Yancheng?

The only Shen Ji stayed by Yun Jin's side all night.

When Yun Jin woke up the next day, she found that she was holding her hand by Shen Jiwei, and the corner of her lips was dyed with a bright smile.

Didn't he go to rest all night? Immediately, her brows frowned distressedly.

She was about to sit up and asked Shen Cheng to take Shen Jiwei to rest. Shen Jiwei woke up. When she saw her waking up, he smiled: "Wake up?"

"Well. Did you just sit here all night? Why don't you go to rest? Your leg injury is still not healed." Yun Jin said strangely, very distressed.

"I said it was a skin injury, it's not a major problem." Shen Jiwei was calm and calm.

Yun Jin still feels distressed: "I will let Shen Cheng come in and take care of you."

"Shen Cheng." Shen Jiwei shouted.

Shen Cheng came in immediately, carrying the food prepared for Yunjin in his hand.

In fact, Shen Jiwei woke up earlier than Yun Jin. After arranging Shen Cheng to prepare food, he saw that Yun Jin was not awake before he lay down beside Yun Jin for a while.

"Miss Lu, let's eat first." Shen Cheng said.

Because of Yunjin's existence, Shen Jiwei has changed a lot and embarrassed a lot. Shen Cheng's attitude towards her is very ordinary.

Only now that she has Shen Jiwei's child, Shen Cheng eased her attitude a little bit.

Yun Jin doesn't care about the attitude of outsiders. She has always been open-minded and very confident. The attitude of others does not affect her at all.

Shen Jiwei said: "Eat something first, then wash up later. The doctor said you should take care of your body."

Yun Jin nodded and stood aside with Shen Cheng's expression, standing like a benchmark.

Yun Jin bowed his head to eat, and Shen Cheng sent someone to Shen Jiwei.

After eating, Shen Cheng reminded: "Master, your legs, it's time to change the dressing."

"You are here to protect Yunjin, I will come as soon as I go." Shen Jiwei stood up.

Shen Cheng wanted to go with him, after all, Shen Jiwei had to take care of him.

Of course, the rest of the subordinates are not as capable as him.

Shen Jiwei ordered him to stay here.

Shen Cheng had to stay.

Yun Jin thought for a while, but still called Mo Yanbai.

She wanted to solve Shen Jiwei's affairs by herself, rather than telling her family through Mo Yanbai's mouth.

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