Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2311: Where's the baby?

Yun Jin just fell asleep when he entered the ward.

"I'm Yunjin's family." Mo Yanbai said.

The doctor said immediately: "The young lady was very emotional and wanted to go out, but she was very weak and needed to rest. As a last resort, we gave her a tranquilizer."

"You go out first," Mo Yanbai said.

The doctor and nurse left, Mo Yanbai sat beside Yun Jin, looking at her pale face, feeling unbearable.

That **** Shen Jiwei was with Yunjin because of revenge!

Mo Yanbai really regretted believing in all his goodness to Yunjin before.

Knowing this a long time ago, he should desperately take Yunjin away and ask her to take away the child instead of being tricked by that **** for so long and making her feel the way she is now.

Yun Jin hasn't woke up yet.

Mo Yanbai called his subordinates: "Where is Shen Jiwei now?"

"Master, I just checked. Shen Jiwei is no longer living in his villa. It is said that he is going out temporarily, and his current whereabouts are unknown."

Mo Yanbai cursed secretly. It is considered that Shen Jiwei is lucky. He has to take care of Yunjin now, and cannot find him for a while, so he won't bother him.

Yun Jin didn't wake up, the tranquilizer's effect made her finally fall asleep, but her unstable emotions made her other brows frowned.

There were also deeply bitten tooth marks on her lips, which made her look haggard, weak and painful.

Mo Yanbai held her hand and put it to his lips, his heart aching beyond renewed.

I don't know how long it took, Yun Jin slowly opened his eyes: "Baby? Baby?"

She shouted, but there was nothing around her.

Mo Yan hurriedly held her down: "Yun Jin, are you awake?"

"Brother Xiaobai, where's the baby? Where's my baby?" Yun Jin saw clearly that it was him, thinking of her own child, and couldn't help crying.

"Yun Jin, Shen Jiwei left with the baby temporarily. I will help you find the baby."

"No, I will look for it now." Yun Jin turned over and got out of bed.

"Yunjin! Yunjin!" Mo Yanbai grabbed her fiercely. "Shen Jiwei deliberately took the baby away. Now even if you want to find it, you may not be able to find it. You are obedient, and take care of yourself first."

Yun Jin shook his head, and tears fell: "Shen Jiwei hates me, how can he treat the baby properly? What if he abuses the baby? I'm so scared, so worried..."

"No, good." Mo Yanbai pressed her into his arms, "The baby will be fine. If you break your body now, who will take care of the baby in the future? Take good care of yourself and you will have a chance later, yes wrong?"

Yun Jin cried out: "I am too stupid, I am sorry for the baby..."

"Don't cry, you just gave birth. The most important thing is your body." Mo Yanbai comforted, "I have sent people to find Shen Jiwei."

Yun Jin couldn't help crying.

"Yunjin, I will accompany you here, and then help you find the baby." Mo Yanbai comforted.

Yun Jin cried in his arms.


Shen Jiwei did not live in the original villa temporarily.

Lu Yiyang was conspired to be arrested by Shen Bingwang. The police in Jingzhou City were already looking for Lu Yiyang's whereabouts.

But Lu Yiyang, who had just finished the operation, was unconscious, and it was impossible for Shen Jiwei to send him out directly.

On the one hand, to ensure his safety, on the other hand, to send him to the police without leaving any clues that Shen Bingwang came to him. This matter is not easy.

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