Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2317: You talk first

Seeing her asleep, Mo Yanbai walked out of the apartment with peace of mind.

He returned to the hospital.

Irrespective of his body, Lu Yiyang got up to write a report on his work and provided various information useful to the police station.

"Yi Yang, why are you up?" Mo Yanbai saw him typing on the keyboard as soon as he walked in.

Deputy Director Jiang said with a helpless look: "Master Mo, it's better for you to persuade Yiyang. Those who don't know thought I was forcing the injured staff to work overtime overnight."

Mo Yanbai nodded and motioned to Deputy Chief Jiang to go out first.

He walked up to Lu Yiyang and said, "Is there anything that can't be left to the people below?"

"I've been in a coma, and I'm afraid that many things in my mind will be confused. Also, the retelling is also prone to problems. I'll better handle everything first before talking." Lu Yi typed without raising his head.

"Can I help?"

Lu Yiyang shook his head: "You sit down for a while, and then help me later."

Mo Yanbai sat down.

After Lu Yiyang was busy, he turned around and asked, "What's wrong with Yunjin?"

"What's wrong?"

"She was in a bad mood just now, not like it was just for me. What else happened to her?" Lu Yiyang was born with Yun Jin, and has always controlled her subtle emotions.

The Yunjin I saw this time was different from before.

She is haggard and less lively anger.

This shouldn't be Yunjin's appearance, even when she laughs, it makes people unable to feel her happiness.

Lu Yiyang didn't believe that nothing happened.

Mo Yanbai knew that he couldn't hide it from him, and said, "She married Shen Jiwei and gave birth to a child."

"Shen Jiwei?" Lu Yiyang almost sat up with excitement.

Mo Yanbai held her down: "I knew I shouldn't tell you. If your wound is cracked again, how can I explain to Yunjin?"

"You talk about it first." Lu Yiyang was in no mood to joke with him.

"During this period of time, Yunjin has stayed here. You know that Shen Jiwei's range of activities is also here. He deliberately approached Yunjin and fell in love with Song Yancheng's Yunjin. For Shen Jiwei, who grew up exactly like Song Yan, There is no resistance at all."

"This bastard. What does he use Yunjin for?"

"Retaliation. The revenge Yunjin indirectly killed Song Yancheng and Song Mu indirectly." Mo Yanbai whispered.

Lu Yiyang gritted his teeth: "How could Yunjin have something to do with such a thing? Song Yancheng and Song Mu passed away. Many of the reasons are due to their Shen family's housework. What does it have to do with Yunjin?"

"Then don't forget. Even without these things, Yun Jin and Shen Jiwei can't be together. The person you want to arrest this time is from the Shen family. The two of them will never be possible!"

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Lu Yiyang jumped up from the bed and grabbed Mo Yanbai by the collar. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Mo Yanbai shook his head helplessly.

Lu Yiyang understood that Yun Jin had ideas since she was a child, and it was definitely impossible to give up what she made up her mind.

And Mo Yanbai had always spoiled her unconditionally and would never betray her.

Lu Yiyang let go weakly and said, "Cousin, you hurt Yun Jin by indulging her like this."

"Do you think I don't want to take her away? I also thought about it. But you also have to know that everyone has her own choice and will. Sometimes, this kind of thinking is unchangeable."

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