Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2326: Provoked the desire to conquer

But when she appeared in front of him, he couldn't help holding her, occupying her, and covering her all.

Yun Jin is struggling, what is he doing? She really looked at him wrong!

Is it true that any woman is extremely attractive to him? He is eager to find a woman to vent his desires?

She was both disappointed in him and resisted.

Being kissed by his lips, she was suffocated with discomfort, thinking that he had kissed other women, thinking that his hands were stroking other women... Yun Jin was so uncomfortable to vomit.

She broke away from him in anger, slapped his face with a slap.

Shen Jiwei was taken aback for a moment, his head tilted, and he did not return to his senses.

Yun Jin also knew that he was too mad. He was just a guest who came to the party, but missed Shen Jiwei.

Shen Jiwei laughed suddenly, took out his business card, and stuffed it into her clothes: "I like yours. It successfully provoked my desire to conquer, so I decided to call me."

Yun Jin bit her lip and turned away angrily.

Shen Jiwei looked at her back, his eyes gradually became deeper.

Yun Jin had to give up her plan to find the child. If she provokes Shen Jiwei, not only will she not take the child, she will also be very dangerous and embarrassed.

She quickly left from the Shen's villa.

Although Brother Neng and his subordinates were stopped by Shen Cheng just now, they didn't know what Yun Jin was.

Especially Neng, how could he be willing to watch her leave after seeing Yunjin?

After Yunjin left, Brother Neng immediately took someone to intercept Yunjin.

Yun Jin got in the car, and Brother Neng and Ren drove to follow.

But after only a short distance, Yunjin's car passed in another direction.

Brother Neng was about to go forward, suddenly there were a few more cars in front of him, and at extremely fast speed, he squeezed Neng's car into the innermost part of the lane, forcing him to stop.

Brother Neng scolded and got off the bus: "Who is so eyesore that he dares to stop Lao Tzu's car?"

As soon as he got out of the car, a steel rod hit him **** the back.

Brother Neng fell to the ground and finished a dried shrimp.

His brother pointed at the nose of the visitor, and when he saw that the visitor was Shen Cheng, all of them backed up and Brother Neng was also helped up.

"Brother Cheng...Brother Cheng..." Brother Neng nodded and bowed, holding back a grin, "I don't know where we offended Brother Cheng..."

"I was at the pool just now. Didn't I make it clear enough? That woman, you can't touch it!"

Brother Neng suddenly felt that Shen Chengcheng stopped his people from looking for the woman, but Brother Neng only thought that Shen Jiwei and Shen Cheng didn't want to cause trouble in the Shen family villa, so he stopped them.

They will be wrong, thinking that they can do it willfully without leaving the Shen family villa.

Who knows, Shen Cheng meant that the woman could not be touched, not that she could not be touched in the Shen's villa!

Thinking that he had almost stopped her just now and was about to take it back, Brother Neng immediately broke into a cold sweat.

"Brother Cheng, I am dizzy and didn't hear your meaning! I will take people back, and I will take them back!" Brother Neng hastily apologized.

Shen Cheng said coldly: "If she loses half of her hair, I'm asking for you!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I will never do it again." Brother Neng said immediately.

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