Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2336: How long can you stay with me tonight

"How about it, have you figured out the price?" Shen Jiwei raised an eyebrow and asked.

Obviously, he still regarded her as the heavy makeup woman who appeared that night.

Yun Jin smiled charmingly: "I have already thought about it. How can I still bid with Wei Shao? As long as Wei Shao speaks casually, I will not be able to bear it. Where else do I need to bid? Moreover, it is my blessing to be able to serve Wei Shao. ."

Shen Jiwei naturally knew that she was Yunjin.

Her face with heavy make-up is very different from her usual, but she is also extremely beautiful.

She was smiling, but the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes, and her heart was completely cold.

Shen Jiwei changing women is like changing clothes, now it's just changing clothes.

Yun Jin naturally will not have any feelings for him.

Shen Jiwei wrapped her waist around her ears, "Go to my room."

Yun Jin's heart trembled, and she couldn't help feeling nauseous when she thought of how many women he had brought to his room.

But she still went up together.

Shen Jiwei embraced her waist, with his palms resting on her soft waist, showing her curvy body.

Yun Jin couldn't wait to open his hand, but in order to find a chance to take the child away, she still restrained and endured it.

As soon as he entered the door of the room, Shen Jiwei kissed her lips, pressed her against the door, and swept her like a storm.

The familiar feeling made her heart throbbing, but it also made her feel resistant.

Shen Jiwei noticed that she hesitated, and the kiss became even more lingering.

Yun Jin greeted him, panting and struggling, and said, "Yi Shao, I brought wine over, don't you really have a drink to cheer up?"

"Okay. I am happy to accompany you." Shen Jiwei loosened his tie and sat on the sofa.

Yun Jin found the opportunity, poured out the medicated wine, and handed it to his lips.

"Wine is good wine, just don't know, how long will you be with me tonight?" Shen Jiwei gently shook the wine glass, and didn't drink it directly, looking at Yunjin with unidentified emotions in his eyes.

Yun Jin knelt down on him, took a sip of wine, then put the wine in his mouth into his mouth.

Facing the liquor she sent, Shen Jiwei was as sweet as sweet.

All the medicine was in the alcohol. Yun Jin was worried that he would not drink it, so he took an ambiguous posture and fed him a whole cup before stopping.

"Yi Shao, I will help you undress..." Yun Jin whispered close to his ear.

"Okay..." Shen Jiwei's voice became lower and lower, and lighter.

Until the end, his voice completely disappeared.

Yun Jin realized that he had fallen asleep.

There are powerful tranquilizers in the wine, and Shen Jiwei drank so much, it is impossible not to fall asleep.

As for Yunjin, the wine just passed through her mouth once, and she was naturally fine.

While Shen Jiwei was asleep, Yun Jin immediately went out and found the nanny room.

This time, she had already found out which room the child was in.

So just get Shen Jiwei and leave with the children.

Seeing her figure walking out of the room, Shen Jiwei suddenly opened his eyes, with a clear mind and no appearance of Chinese medicine at all.

He has already thought about it, and the child is always a time bomb in his hands.

In the past, he could still take the child with him when he had not thoroughly found out that Shen Bingwang was not his father.

Now that Shen Bingwang's true purpose is known, it is no longer appropriate to keep the child.

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