Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2338: Same front

It was also the elite arranged by Lu Zhanting to respond to Yunjin.

Chen Song hopes that Yunjin can reach the airport and get on the plane, at least it will be much safer.

The car arranged by Shen Bingwang and Chen Song's car chased Yunjin all the way.

The people of Lu Zhanting quickly discovered the abnormality and whispered: "Miss, we have been followed. It must be Shen Jiwei's."

"He knows I took the child, so he has to rush over." Yun Jin said, "Go faster."

She didn't understand why Shen Jiwei kept the child so persistent.

He wants children, most often, and some women give birth to him.

Does he have to keep the child and hate her?

Isn't so much revenge enough?

Yun Jin hugged the child tightly.

Shen Jiwei and Shen Cheng also found that Shen Bingwang's people had arrived.

Shen Jiwei ordered: "Shen Cheng, intercept them."

Shen Cheng's car immediately rushed towards Shen Bingwang's people.

Chen Song also started to pinch Shen Bingwang's car.

Shen Jiwei's car went straight to chase Yunjin's car.

He worried that Shen Bingwang would have other people following.

Especially worrying about them being ambushed at the airport.

Yun Jin felt more and more cars behind her, and her heart was anxious.

Shen Jiwei frowned, worried that Yunjin would not be able to take the child away smoothly.

He hated that he didn't give the child to Yunjin and let Yunjin take it away, but kept it for a while.

At that time, he only knew that Shen Bingwang's paternal love for him was not true, but he didn't know that he was not his father at all.

Who knew that a drag would put the child in danger.

It was because I didn't protect Yunjin and the child well that he caused the situation today.

Shen Cheng and Chen Song stopped most of Shen Bingwang's cars.

However, one car broke through and caught up with Yunjin's car.

Shen Jiwei left, and his car collided with that car. He smashed the car into the fence and stopped.

"Miss, it seems someone is helping us." The person in the Yunjin car said.

Yunjin also found out that some people were following and some were helping themselves.

But who is the one who helps yourself?

She didn't think much about it, so she hugged her child tightly.

Shen Jiwei first Yunjin's car arrived at the airport, he found that Shen Bingwang really arranged a professional killer here in advance.

They were ordered to kill Yun Jin and the child.

Shen Bingwang has completely lost control and wants to solve Yunjin and the child.

If he used to take into account Shen Jiwei and his apparent family relationship with his father and son, now he also noticed something unusual and didn't want to leave any affection at all.

Although he will not tear his face with Shen Jiwei for the time being, he has no plans to show mercy to the people around Shen Jiwei.

And once Yun Jin and the child were killed, Shen Jiwei would be forced to stand on the same front with him, otherwise it would be impossible for Shen Jiwei to fight the country alone with Shen Jiwei's ability.

Up to now, Shen Bingwang is still using this method of persecution to fight for his "son" to stand on the united front with him.

Just because there is security here, the killer arranged by Shen Bingwang has not acted rashly.

Shen Jiwei added a silencer to the pistol, found them in the dark, solved one with one shot, and quickly solved all five or six professional killers and dragged them into the bathroom.

At least for the time being, Yun Jin and the child are safe.

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