"Brother, I am not dead." Chen Song smiled, "But I have more things to accomplish, I hope you don't stop me."

He looked at Shen Jiwei: "Looking at you step by step trying to get rid of everything that Shen Bingwang once gave you, presumably, you also found out Shen Bingwang's identity?"

"Yes." Shen Jiwei nodded, "Why did you not die in the first place?"

Chen Song breathed a sigh of relief.

He just made sure that Shen Jiwei had found out that Shen Bingwang was not their father, so he dared to say these things to Shen Jiwei.

He also revealed his true identity to him.

Otherwise, if Shen Jiwei doesn't know the truth, even if the two are brothers and twins, it is absolutely impossible to be completely separated.

Even before, because of their parents, they were not completely connected.

Only now, with a common enemy and goal, can we show our hearts to each other.

"It's a long story. You just need to know that I'm not dead. If you want to resist Shen Bingwang, you must speed up the process, otherwise, he will deal with you first. Also, I don't want Yun Jin to be too sad. For a long time, I'm still waiting for you to finish the matter as soon as possible, go to her and explain everything."

The two brothers were originally twins. Once they were told, they would have a clear understanding of many things, and there was no need to say many things too clearly, and each had a good idea.

"Ji Wei, Yun Jin and the child need you." Chen Song looked at him, "You have to think carefully and grasp it clearly."

"how about you?"

"I've been the one who died a long time ago. It doesn't matter if there is me or me in this world. I'll leave first." Chen Song finished speaking, turned and got out of the car, got into his car, and disappeared into Shen Jiwei. In the field of vision.

Shen Jiwei has experienced so many things continuously, and his whole heart is still beating.

Shen Cheng couldn't help asking: "Master, how do you know that Chen Song is Song Yancheng? Hasn't Song Yancheng been dead for a long time?"

"It's because he has been dead for a long time, so I have been doubting Chen Song's identity, but I am not sure that it is him until now." Shen Jiwei whispered, in this world, besides him, who else will What about Yunjin’s relatives, Yunjin’s safety, and Yunjin’s children?

Song Yancheng, what he did was really too much.

"Go back now." Shen Jiwei ordered.

When he arrived at the Shen’s villa, he returned to the baby’s room and found that the child had been sent back, and the child’s clothes were still stained with blood. Obviously, Chen Song desperately protected him just now, but he was completely safe and sound. Good luck, and Chen Song arranged it properly.

It's just that after so many crises, even when Shen Jiwei held the baby again, his hands couldn't help shaking.

"Shen Cheng, dismiss the nanny, and can't let anyone know that the child is still here."

"Master, why don't we send the child back to the Lu family, so that the Lu family can protect him." Shen Cheng suggested softly.

Shen Jiwei shook his head: "I haven't thought about doing this. But have you ever thought about it. Even if the Lu family is willing to tolerate his existence as a child, Shen Bingwang will definitely use it to attack the Lu family. The Lu family is in charge of the whole thing. The country has a child who is the blood of someone like me..."

Shen Cheng was silent, knowing in his heart that if he did that, the Lu family didn't know how many attacks he would receive.

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