Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2344: Deal with together

"Second brother, let me handle this case with you." Yun Jin stood in front of Lu Yiyang.

She is now calm, capable, and terribly silent.

There was an extremely cold breath on his body.

Lu Yiyang hadn't heard her speaking like this for a long time.

"Yunjin, are you sure you want to go?"

"I apply. I have qualifications and experience. Brother, you let me go."

Yun Jin's fist was held tightly, her eyes were stained with red when she thought of the past.

Those who owe her must be severely punished by the law, and must be paid with blood.

Lu Yiyang looked at her earnestly: "Are you sure you want to go? This time in the past, you will face the entire Shen family. The people to be arrested include Shen Jiwei. You are sure that you also want to participate directly. Get involved?"

"I'm sure!" Yun Jin raised her head and looked at him, there was pain in her eyes.

This is her business and her responsibility, whether it is for private or public.

Lu Yiyang patted her on the shoulder: "Well, in that case, you can go with us. But you also have to promise me that the action this time involves the lives of countless people. If you want to follow me, you must To obey my orders, not to act arbitrarily, and to follow the rules in everything."

"I know." Yun Jin nodded heavily.

"Then you go back and prepare first." Lu Yiyang couldn't bear to say she was too much.

Yun Jin nodded.

She went back to pack up and prepare.

Lu Yiyang has also made arrangements here, and will be able to go to D City with him soon.

They came to D city secretly ahead of time, without causing anyone's attention.

Yunjin was also ready long ago.

That night, Shen Bingwang had a deal with someone on the river in D City.

If they can be caught, they can be used to arrest Shen Bingwang and take him back to receive severe punishment by law.

"Go!" Lu Yiyang gave an order and took everyone directly on a large cargo ship and began to approach the target.

The cargo ships they take are walking on the river all year round, so they will not be noticeable.

Even when approaching Shen Bingwang's ship, as long as it is walking on a normal river course, Shen Bingwang will not be suspicious.

Shen Bingwang's boat walked normally.

Lu Yiyang's boat leaned in quickly.

When Shen Bingwang saw Lu Yiyang's boat, he frowned slightly and asked, "What boat is that?"

"Sir, it's a cargo ship passing on the river. At this time of the day, you should normally go this way." The subordinate responded.

"Beware, if there is any change..."

Before Shen Bingwang finished speaking, the boat was approaching between the sparks and flints, and bursts of spray came out of the water. Immediately after the people, a police officer began to emerge from the water and climbed up the rope.

"Oh, sir, it's the police!"

Hearing this, Shen Bingwang's face changed.

Today's transactions are very secretive, and no one should know.

He also often goes out by boat to fish and play. This time, he is known to be trading here?

"Open the cabin immediately and sink all the cargo hold into the river." Shen Bingwang ordered.

The choice to trade on board is also because once something goes wrong, the evidence can be destroyed as quickly as possible.

The river here is the most dangerous place of this road. It is circuitous and dangerous. It is filled with various complicated undercurrents, which is very dangerous.

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