Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2350: All criminal records

He opened his mouth and said: "Shen Bingwang is going to sink into the river tonight. I have already let someone get it. I will send it to you in a while. You can arrange for someone to get it then."

"What tricks are you playing?" Lu Yiyang didn't believe him at all.

"The stuff is delivered, do you like it?" Shen Jiwei did not explain.

Lu Yiyang snorted coldly: "Don't think you can get acquitted like this. Just like Shen Bingwang, you have done so many things, and you can't escape."

"I didn't think about running. I will give you what I should give." Shen Jiwei said lightly.

He knew that the crime he was carrying was already serious, so he didn't say anything at all.

If it is blunt, the Lu Family wants to excuse him, then he would rather not say anything to avoid embarrassment.

He didn't want Yunjin to be embarrassed.

Lu Yiyang no longer talked to him. For such a person, he would feel tarnished if he said one more word.

There was a smile on Shen Jiwei's calm face, and the blood flowed from his face, and he didn't seem to care.

He has given all the evidence to Chen Song, and will be transferred from Chen Song to Lu Yiyang.

"Officer Lu. Chen Song has already explained, he said he has more evidence to provide..." Someone came to report.

Lu Yiyang hurriedly got out of the car and went to Chen Song's car.

Shen Jiwei looked at his back and knew that Chen Song would not have any major problems this time.

Chen Song was originally Song Yancheng, a policeman, but now he is just an anonymous undercover agent, plus Shen Jiwei has given him all the evidence. After he submits it, he will prove his identity and he will be completely fine.

Shen Jiwei closed his eyes, and he himself, will certainly bear various responsibilities, and will definitely go to jail.

At that time... Yun Jin will be taken care of by Song Yancheng.

Lu Yi got into the car, and Chen Song said, "Officer Lu, I have something to hand to you."


"Shen Bingwang's all criminal records and accounts exchanges." Chen Song said.

Lu Yiyang was taken aback. Originally, he was worried that Shen Bingwang could not be convicted this time, and he could only be detained for a short time. Unexpectedly, Shen Jiwei and Chen Song provided evidence one after another.

"Where?" Lu Yiyang asked.

If it was to be taken by someone, he would worry that it was dangerous.

Chen Song directly handed him the USB flash drive in his hand: "There are all kinds of evidence, including texts, pictures, and videos. I must hold these to detain Shen Bingwang for two hundred years."

Lu Yiyang took it and held it in his palm: "Who are you?"

"I'm Song Yancheng." Chen Song no longer concealed it, he said simply, "Stayed with Shen Bingwang for a few years."

"Aren't you... dead?" Lu Yiyang was surprised.

"I did almost die at the time, because of the plot of the Guo family and his son, and the identity of the undercover agent was almost revealed. It was because I almost died, so I killed a gangster next to me, and used him to pass through the gangster, causing everyone to mistake me for my death. Fake appearance. The **** was originally like my height and body shape. I left a lot of my blood and other skin tissues on his body, so even the forensic doctor was hidden from me.” Song Yancheng said simply, and opened the face. camouflage.

His face was ruined, and there was a scar on his face, but he has almost recovered now.

When he was around Shen Bingwang, he was always disguised. He changed his voice, body shape, walking gait, etc. completely, so no one recognized him.

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