Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2354: Full of joy

The child was in the swaddle, fingers stretched out, and as soon as Yun Jin hugged him, he babbled, very intimate.

Yun Jin also recognized at a glance that this was her child.

When she escaped with the child, she had already carved his appearance into the bottom of her heart.

It was only when the incident happened suddenly and Song Yancheng's actions were too real, and she was taken away soon, so she was concealed and thought the child was gone.

At this moment, holding the baby again, countless emotions surged in her heart.

Lu Yiyang stretched out his hand to embrace her shoulders, and laughed in a low voice: "Yun Jin, this time I finally saved you from leaving empty-handed."

"Thank you, brother." Yun Jin whispered, her heart is full of joy now, she just wants to thank everyone.

The catch of Shen Bingwang is only to complete the task, only to bring her child back to make her really come alive.

There was a smile between the corners of her eyes and the eyebrows, and she also had a look.

It seemed that in a moment, the anger and aura of the past were restored.

"Let's take the kids home first." Lu Yiyang smiled.

"Good." Yun Jin nodded.

The child leaned in her arms, gently grasping her skirt, perhaps a subconscious action, or perhaps an attachment to her mother.

Yun Jin felt very satisfied.

"Yun Jin, Song Yancheng is back, what are you going to do this time?" Lu Yiyang asked.

This problem cannot be circumvented.

Yunjin has now restored all the memories of the past.

All the memories of her and Song Yancheng are so many and so pure.

Looking down at the child, she thought of Shen Jiwei, but her heart was dull and dull, and the pain made her unable to breathe.

She smiled and said, "Second brother, I don't want to talk about this now. The child is back. The only thing I want to do now is to take the child well. I have not considered other things for the time being."

"Alright. You don't have to worry about the police station, just leave it to me." Lu Yiyang smiled.

He arranged Yun Jin and the child properly, and then returned to the police station to deal with affairs again.

Twenty-four hours after Shen Bingwang was detained, he saw Lu Yiyang approaching and said with his head raised: "Officer Lu, why? It's 24 hours. Have you found the evidence?"

Lu Yiyang walked to him, put his hands on the table, and said, "Shen Bingwang, you are about to set off soon and come back to Jingzhou City with me for investigation."

"Hmph, if there is no definite evidence, I will sue you for not being a policeman forever!" Shen Bingwang said arrogantly.

"Don't worry, Shen Bingwang, I have all the evidence." Lu Yiyang smiled, "This time, you can't go out easily. Don't say twenty-four hours. Even twenty-four years will not be enough for you to stay. of!"

Shen Bingwang was immediately stunned.

Lu Yiyang smiled and said, "Stay well."

Seeing Lu Yiyang's confident appearance, Shen Bingwang had nothing to say for a while.

Two days later, the group all returned to Jingzhou City.

The other relatives and friends knew about Yunjin's bringing back the child.

Knowing how important the child is to her, everyone has prepared gifts for the child, and everyone has given the child a lot of love.

Yunjin's face also began to glow with a different look.

Song Yancheng’s matter was the first to be handled. Although he lied to everyone by feigning his death, he was forgiven for what he did, and he handed over a lot of evidence, so he was quickly released by the police station. , Restored the identity.

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