"Then you are going to stay for two days?" Yun Jin asked expectantly.

"Qiaoqiao and I may stay for two days at most. It's Wenxuan. He is on holiday now, and he is also very restrained in the royal family. I promised him and let him stay here for a few more days."

Yun Jin immediately became happy: "Okay, then I will take him around then."

Qiaoqiao smiled and said: "Then I will trouble you. I heard that the child is called Xiuyuan?"

"Yeah." Yun Jin asked them to come in and sit down. Xiuyuan watched them come in from the bed, waving his hands babbling, cute and cute.

Qiao Qiao reached out and hugged Xiuyuan.

Lu Jingchen smiled and said, "It looks like Yun Jin when he was a child."

"Where do you know you look like me? Obviously you grew up with me." Yun Jin smiled and revealed his bottom.

Lu Jingchen patted her head: "Even if I haven't watched you grow up, but I have seen your pictures. Besides, Yi Yang and I grew faster than you."

"No." Yun Jin replied with a smile, "The three of us were born together. If we calculate it carefully, we can still tell who is the older brother and the older sister."

"Although I can't tell who is my sister, but in terms of sharp teeth, Yi Yang and I are definitely not comparable to you." Lu Jingchen smiled.

Suddenly, there was laughter in the whole room, and the warmth that had not been in a long time was restored.

After Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao stayed here for two days, they went back because the royal family also needed them.

This time, I made a special trip to accompany Yun Jin for two days. Seeing her emotional recovery, Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao were also relieved.

After Yun Jin rested for a few days, he resumed his work in the police station.

Because she was afraid that she would be injured and she still needed to take care of her children, the job given to her was that she didn't need to go out to work anymore, she only needed to be in charge of the internal affairs of the police station.

When she arrived at the police station, she saw Song Yancheng just getting off the car.

"Yunjin." Song Yancheng greeted her first.

For Song Yancheng, Yun Jin always holds guilt.

Although she didn't finalize the relationship when she was with him, she still failed him.

"Senior." Yun Jin stepped forward, "Morning."

"Why didn't you take a few more days off before coming to work?" Song Yancheng asked with concern, "Your body still needs to be cultivated..."

"It's okay, I'm already fine. The second brother has a lot of things here, I want to see if there is anything that can help." Yun Jin whispered.

Song Yancheng looked at her, his eyes dimmed slightly, he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and watched her leave.

Yun Jin walked away a few steps, then turned and said, "I'm sorry, senior."

After speaking, she left.

Sorry for a lot of him, but she is irretrievable.

And she couldn't save anything.

Song Yancheng stood there, looking at her back, and was in a daze for a long time. He knew that the time he was with her was because she mistakenly regarded her as Shen Jiwei, but he still couldn't let it go. .

Yun Jin arrived in his office, after handling some work, walked out and saw Mo Yanbai hurriedly over.

His expression was very anxious, Yun Jin followed out. He didn't notice Yun Jin, but went straight to Lu Yiyang's office.

In the police station, news was being broadcast, Yunjin couldn't help but was attracted by the content inside, and his eyebrows were slightly frowned.

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