Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2371: Concentrate on

Shen Jiwei was next to Lu Yiyang and Mo Yanbai, but he also followed a military man.

Although Shen Jiwei is the key figure in solving this matter, he still bears the blame.

The presidential palace was worried that he would use this to escape or something, so he was not assured that he would act alone with Lu Yiyang and Mo Yanbai.

In this regard, Shen Jiwei has nothing to do. He is too clear about his current identity and doesn't care how others look at him.

I quickly arrived in J City, and after some calculations, it was calculated that those weapons had at least three footholds, but it was not clear at all.

Mo Yanbai said: "Now we are splitting up and going to three points. Shen Jiwei can only follow one of us to one of the points. Once we determine which point is the specific location, we must notify each other immediately so that Shen Ji Only rush to the fastest speed."

"Good." Shen Jiwei has no objection, things must be handled like this.

The teams were quickly divided, Mo Yanbai and Shen Ji were the only ones to stand, Lu Yiyang went to another place, the third place was passed by the military.

However, the people sent by the military still followed Shen Jiwei and stayed true to each other.

Mo Yanbai and Shen Jiwei rushed to the first place, and soon discovered that the first place was just a ruin mixed with some ordinary weapons, not the batch they were going to disarm.

Mo Yanbai arranged for someone to clean up here, and soon received news from Lu Yiyang: "All the weapons are in the second place, please bring Shen Jiwei. In addition, there are many murderers here, and we are trying to solve them. Be careful on your way. ."

Mo Yanbai and Shen Jiwei hurried to the place.

There were so many murderers that they really stopped Mo Yanbai and Shen Jiwei halfway.

Fortunately, the military and the police are dispatched together. No matter how many of these murderers are, they can only show off for a while. It is absolutely impossible to really stop them.

At the second point, Lu Yiyang led people to greet him: "Here is it. All the heavy industry weapons are arranged here. The murderers were solved by us. But there are still some stubborn ones who escaped. Among these weapons and equipment."

Mo Yanbai glanced at the time: "There are still seven hours, it should be enough."

"I have to go to the control room. Even if these weapons are destroyed immediately, the impact cannot be eliminated. The crisis must be suspended in accordance with the procedures."

"Let's go together!" Lu Yiyang and Mo Yanbai followed.

People in the military are also inseparable.

It took some effort to reach the control room.

Shen Jiwei immediately began to act.

He is extremely talented in this regard, and he personally supervised the development of these weapons at the beginning, so after checking it, he had the answer and immediately began to write the program to stop the weapons.

Lu Yiyang and Mo Yanbai took people and guarded here.

The news was also sent to the presidential palace as soon as possible.

Hearing that Shen Jiwei really had a chance to resolve this crisis, the presidential palace was also full of joy.

Shen Jiwei wrote the program input, but because there are so many weapons and each requires a different program, he will concentrate on it for the next few hours and dare not slack off.

Although Lu Yiyang and Mo Yanbai had also experienced countless major events, they still did not dare to take a breath at this time, for fear that something would go wrong if they were not careful.

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