Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2373: Draw a gun

"Enough, Ling Ze." Mo Yanbai came forward to stop, "Shen Jiwei has been busy for a few hours just now without stopping for a moment. If you have more doubts, wait until you return to the presidential palace!"

Lu Yiyang also said: "This matter should be reported to the Presidential Palace immediately, not that you are making noise here."

At this time, the Presidential Palace sent a message: "Weapon attacks have indeed been encountered in the waters of State S, and the casualties are unknown. However, based on the population density of the sea, the casualties should not be large."

Hearing this news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, what everyone was most worried about just now was whether Shen Jiwei's last weapon was aimed at the sea.

If the weapon falls into a densely populated place, the casualties must be very heavy.

And accurately falling into the sea can at least guarantee the reduction of casualties.

"There are still murderers who have not been fully arrested and brought to justice. Both the military and police are acting." Mo Yanbai said, "Ling Ze, you are with Shen Jiwei, and Lu Yiyang and I rushed to help."

They got on the plane, knowing that Ling Ze was ordered by the Presidential Palace to guard Shen Jiwei at all times and would not leave him for half a step, so they left the two of them, and the rest were busy catching the assailants.

Just as they were about to go out, Yun Jin's voice came from Lu Yiyang's walkie-talkie: "Second brother, there are only three fugitives left. The rest have been arrested and brought to justice. We are pursuing them with all our strength."

Shen Jiwei frowned immediately: "Yun Jin is here too?"

Lu Yiyang nodded: "Yun Jin is also in the police force. This time, both the military and police have come forward together, so many people are used, so she..."

"I'll go with you!" Shen Jiwei said immediately.

Ling Ze reached out and stopped him: "Shen Jiwei, don't forget that you are still wearing the body of sin. You can only deal with one thing when you come out, and that is the weapon. Other things have nothing to do with you, and you don't need to deal with it. ."

"The Yunjin thing is my thing!" Shen Jiwei pushed Ling Ze away.

Ling Ze was ordered to do something, how could Shen Jiwei leave and stop him back.

When Shen Jiwei heard Yunjin was here, he would definitely go out. He had already had several rounds with Ling Ze between back and forth.

Mo Yanbai suddenly took out his gun and pointed it at Ling Ze: "Offended. Shen Jiwei, you go first."

Shen Jiwei immediately stepped off the plane with Lu Yiyang, got on the car, and moved towards Yunjin for reinforcements.

Ling Ze said in air: "Mo Yanbai, don't think you are a member of the Interpol, I will let you. I am on the order of the Presidential Palace to take care of Shen Jiwei and not let him escape. If something goes wrong, You will be punished in country s as well!"

"Shen Jiwei won't run. Don't worry." Mo Yanbai retracted his gun, "If he will take the opportunity to escape, I will give you the head."

After speaking, he turned around, strode towards the car, got in the car, and followed them.

Ling Ze was tickled with anger. As a member of the military, Mo Yanbai used a gun against his head to speak. If this word spread, how could the military's face remain?

Yun Jin and the others are pursuing the murderer.

Lu Yiyang and Shen Jiwei had just the right reinforcements in the past. Together with Mo Yanbai, they surrounded several parties, just to shrink the entire encirclement circle. Finally, the three assailants were arrested and brought to justice.

Song Yancheng also accompanied Yunjin.

After finishing the job of catching the murderer, Yun Jin injured her arm. He rushed over, tore off his clothes, and bandaged her injured arm.

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