Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2382: The past things are over

"Do you still want to do the things you did before?" Yun Jin was anxious.

"Fool, how can you still do those things before? You forgot, whether it is country s or country c, there are formal military factories, as long as the official license of the country is obtained, the weapons produced are sold to cooperative manufacturers. , Allies or allies. As long as they produce and sell in accordance with national regulations, they are official merchants."

Yun Jin breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "Sorry, I was too anxious, I blamed you."

"It's normal for you to worry. I have only thought about it myself, and I haven't had the opportunity to formally form such a company."

"Ji Wei, I know. Although it is not easy to establish such a company, it is by no means impossible. Then I will ask my uncle to find out about the situation. You can definitely do it. With your ability, you will never do it. I can't do what I want to do." Yun Jin said confidently.

"I have let Shen Cheng prepare. From now on, everything will be done in accordance with the law."

"Okay." Yun Jin shook his hand.

The car drove out for a while, and Shen Jiwei received a call.

He whispered, "Okay."

Turning the front of the car, he said to Yun Jin: "My mother said she wanted to see us. I have agreed. Now go to where she lives."

"Yes, Mom is still alive, but we haven't had a chance to see her yet." Yun Jin thought of it, and blamed herself, "I blame it all, I forgot all about it."

"Don't blame you, let's go."

When the car reached the destination, Shen Jiwei took Yun Jin's hand and got out of the car and entered a building.

Mother Song did not die, she had been living in seclusion before, and now that Song Yancheng came back, she naturally replaced her residence.

Shen Jiwei is also here for the first time.

Knocked on the door, Song Mother stood at the door with tears in her eyes and hugged Shen Jiwei.

Yun Jin saw this, and her eyes were a little moist.

Song Yancheng stood by and said, "Mom, let Brother come in first."

"Well, come in and talk. This is Yunjin, right?" Mother Song said with red eyes, wiping away her tears.

"Yes, Mom, this is Yunjin."

"Mom." Yun Jin whispered.

"Don't stand outside, come in and sit." Mother Song greeted.

Holding Shen Jiwei's hand, she was full of guilt: "Ji Wei, mom really blamed you. I used to think that you didn't grow up and you had to learn from your father. I have always had a prejudice against you, and I didn't even want to see you... …"

"Mom, it's all the same. What's more, you didn't wrongly blame me at the beginning. Before I knew he was his biological father, I really loved him very much and I didn't want to do anything against his will." Shen Ji Wei whispered.

Although Shen Bingwang's methods are vicious, he is quite capable, far-sighted, and excellent. Shen Jiwei has followed him since he was a child, and he is impressed with his father.

Therefore, the exhortation to the mother was not taken to heart.

It wasn't until I got to know Yunjin that I reflected in my heart whether the path I was taking was correct.

It coincided with the discovery that Shen Bingwang was not his biological father, so he determined to separate himself from him.

Otherwise, it may not be able to come out now.

Mother Song said softly: "It's okay now, at least you two brothers, you won't be affected by his bloodline, and he will be too much influenced. I can't help you..."

Mother Song was very sad, and Shen Jiwei comforted: "Mom, it's all over."

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