He has no complaints about Shen Jiwei being completely ignored by others.

The heart that has experienced wind and waves is actually more peaceful and fearless than ordinary people.

Reputation and interests are things that can be left behind.

What he cared about long ago was not someone like Shen Bingwang who wanted to be the most powerful person in the past, but Yun Jin and his family.

Yun Jin walked down quickly and came to him.

Shen Jiwei stretched out his hand and embraced her.

After the awarding ceremony, the president quickly walked towards Shen Jiwei and said with a smile: "Ji Wei, in fact, you have contributed the most to this incident. You have not been awarded a medal this time, but we understand everything you have done. , Everyone will also remember you in their hearts."

"Thank you." Shen Jiwei smiled.

In fact, when the circumstances and consequences of the incident were announced this time, Shen Jiwei's name did not appear in all reports.

The presidential palace naturally has the consideration of the presidential palace. Shen Jiwei can be exonerated, and they don't want more incidents.

"Okay, then you and Yunjin are free, I'll leave it first." The president smiled and left.

Someone on the side was really talking in a low voice, saying, "Who is the one who followed Yunjin?"

"Shen Jiwei. I heard it is Shen Bingwang's son."

"Didn't Shen Bingwang have been arrested for the crime? Why would he come out again and be with Yunjin..."

"It might be because of something. You should know the identity of Yun Jin."

When such a discussion came, Yun Jin raised her eyebrows immediately.

Shen Jiwei shook her hand: "Yunjin, let's not listen to this."

Yun Jin whispered: "These people are too much, they are ignorant and I don't care about it, but in this presidential palace, they are still so broken, it is too self-respect."

"It's their business that they don't respect themselves. What does it have to do with us? Okay, just smile." Shen Jiwei patted Yun Jin's cheeks, his pampering feeling was beyond words.

Yun Jin couldn't bear to bear his emotions on his back, smiled, and said, "Okay, then let's go eat and ignore them."

Because of letting go of such things, Yunjin had a pleasant night.

The Presidential Palace has always been not that nobody makes irresponsible remarks, but it’s okay if you don’t care.

When Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin returned home, Xiuyuan had fallen asleep under the care of the nanny.

Seeing his quiet sleeping face, Shen Jiwei's heart is full of satisfaction.

Yun Jin also held him for a long time before letting go and returning it to the nanny.

When she went to bed at night, Shen Jiwei was tired of tossing Yunjin before letting her rest.

Yun Jin suddenly whispered and said with some regret: "Ji Wei, I have never seen how the baby grew up in the first few months. Do you have photos there? I know you are good to him, but I still feel that I owe him Hold him."

"So you were thinking about this, I almost forgot." Shen Jiwei stood up, took out his mobile phone, and said in a low voice, "I have completely recorded every bit of Xiuyuan's growth in the past few months. You. Look."

"Really?" Yun Jin sat up suddenly.

On the phone, it did record Xiuyuan's every move, and his various smiles and sleeping faces, from his birth to when he was a few months old.

Shen Jiwei has always taken care of him personally, so that he will not be emotionally missing because of Yunjin's absence.

Yun Jin's eyes were a little moist: "So at that time, you took good care of him like this."

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