Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2390: Destroy feelings

He patted Lin Motong's hand and said, "I'm just afraid that these remarks will reach Yun Jin and Shen Jiwei's ears someday. These people actually satisfy their illusions and affect Yun Jin and Shen Jiwei. What about feelings?"

"Husband, don't worry, Ji Wei and Yun Jin have a good relationship. It's not their words that can affect it."

"I hope so." Mingye nodded coldly.

Indeed, during this period many people began to launch an offensive against Yunjin.

In terms of identity, Yunjin's identity is unique in a place as big as Jingzhou City. It has an outstanding family background, and its parents are in charge of the entire country. It has unparalleled influence both internationally and in business.

The two uncles and two elder brothers in the family have outstanding abilities in different fields. They can not only affect the c and s countries, but also have an international appeal and voice.

There are families who want to climb up, and those who have suitable boys at home, all want to promote the marriage with Yunjin.

Even Yun Jin has married and had children.

If Yunjin chooses a man of decent people to marry, they may just disappear.

But it is precisely because Yun Jin married Shen Jiwei, that everyone is not optimistic and feels that they still have a chance.

Shen Jiwei naturally knew these things too.

Shen Cheng whispered: "Master, these people are really deceiving too much. You and your young wife are legal couples, but these people are still trying to separate you. Do you want me to teach them a lesson?"

"Shen Cheng." Shen Jiwei put down the documents in his hand, "We are no longer in the Shen family. We have to change the old habits that should be changed. If we say anything, we will change them."

"But Master, let those people be so arrogant?" Shen Cheng is really holding his breath for the young master of his home. When these people say so, doesn't it destroy the relationship between the young master and the young grandmother?

"They said theirs, why don't we live our lives?" Shen Jiwei said.

Shen Cheng was still upset: "The young lady..."

"Yun Jin has her own way of doing things." Shen Jiwei is assured of Yun Jin. When he was still Shen Bingwang's son, Yun Jin still chose him. Now he has taken the right path, and he believes that Yun Jin will be wrong in the beginning. change.

"Well, don't listen to these gossips and do things."

Shen Cheng had to turn around and leave.

Yun Jin walked in with Xiuyuan in his arms and said with a smile: "Ji Wei, what are your gods secretly talking about?"

"It's nothing, it's all about work." Shen Jiwei came over to take Xiuyuan and said distressedly, "Your arms are good, why don't you hold Xiuyuan again? I told you to hold him less."

Yun Jin never stayed with Xiuyuan for a while, so whenever he had time, he took the children by himself.

She smiled and said, "Xiuyuan is asleep. I'm holding him back to the room."

"I'll take him over." Shen Ji only hugged Xiu Yuan while holding Yun Jin's hand and returned to the room.

It can be seen that Shen Jiwei takes care of the child skillfully, put Xiuyuan on the small bed, and covered him with the quilt.

Yun Jin handed him a piece of information, and smiled: "Uncle Mo gave it to me, saying that if you apply for an ordnance factory, you will go through these procedures more smoothly. The information is here."

"Thank you Uncle Mo for me."

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