Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2392: Toast and not eat fine wine

"Shen Jiwei, you are so refreshing, so I won't talk any secrets. Our military department wants to invite you to serve in the weapons depot." Although General Wu didn’t like Shen Jiwei’s identity, he was very conscious of his talent. It is very important.

If it wasn't for talent that can only be used and cannot be taken away, I am afraid General Wu would not ask such a polite question.

Shen Jiwei calmly asked: "What does General Wu mean?"

"Shen Jiwei, you are quite talented in this area. If you don't work for the country, isn't it a pity? The weapons depot is the place of the military department. People need to handle all aspects of weapon storage and other tasks over there. Come here. , Just right, isn't it?"

"General Wu, I have my own considerations and plans, so I understand your kindness."

Seeing Shen Jiwei's rejection, General Wu's face was not very good.

However, he did not have an attack. He just said indifferently: "Shen Jiwei, you should also know your identity. If it weren't for the occurrence of Hengzhou City this time, you would still be guilty of sin now. Now there is such a good opportunity to provide Here you are, you don't care at all?"

"Thank you General Wu for your love. I think I have to refuse you for this job. If General Wu has nothing to do, I will leave first." Shen Jiwei stood up, turned his jaw, turned and walked out.

General Wu was quite annoyed. This Shen Jiwei dared to toast without eating fine wine.

When Shen Jiwei returned home, Yun Jin was already waiting for him with Xiu Yuan. Seeing him back, she greeted him and said, "Ji Wei, I heard you went to General Wu's house?"

"Yes. General Wu wants me to work in the arsenal, and I have rejected him."

"This General Wu is really weird. He has always been dissatisfied with you, but he has come to discuss with you about his appointment. It doesn't matter if you refuse, it shows that he is uneasy."

"Yeah." Shen Jiwei nodded and said, "However, if I refuse him, I am afraid that if I want to start a company, the license will be stuck in his hands."

When Yun Jin heard this, she frowned slightly, and then said: "In fact, even if you don't reject him, your company will definitely not be able to get a license. Think about it, he must look down on you, but he is afraid, if you If you are not used by him, he will definitely suppress you, but if you are used by him, will he have a good face? It is equally impossible."

"You are right, Yunjin, so I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore. For company affairs, take one step as one step."

Yun Jin couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he heard this. Shen Jiwei was so talented and willing to change his goals and do things well, but he had to be suppressed by people like General Wu.

Seeing that Shen Jiwei was also tired, she smiled and said, "Don't say so much, let's eat first. Xiuyuan has already eaten, and I will let him take him out to play first."

Just about to sit down, Shen Cheng walked in and said in a low voice, "Master, grandma, Master Lu is here."

"Is that my eldest brother?" Yun Jin was overjoyed when she heard that she immediately stood up.

Sure enough, Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao appeared at the door.

Yun Jin couldn't help but ran over with an open eyebrow, and plunged into Lu Jingchen's arms: "Big Brother."

Lu Jingchen embraced her with one hand, patted her on the shoulder with one hand, and groaned, "I'm a mother, and I have to act like a baby with my big brother."

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