Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2399: Encounter problems

He Kang is restricted by his status, although he cannot directly participate in the business, but he is the person holding the holding behind the scenes.

Yun Jin sat down and said lightly: "Master He is looking for me, don't know what it is?"

"I know that you have been busy with licensing matters, but in fact, there is no room for change."

"Oh? So Young Master He wants to help get the license?" Yun Jin became interested.

"That's not the case. I can't do anything that the military department disagrees with. Even my father can only make suggestions instead of making direct decisions."

Yun Jin knew that this would be the case for a long time, so he was not particularly disappointed. He just said, "Then what do you want to discuss with me about the permit?"

"Yun Jin, Shen Jiwei is indeed a rare talent, but his identity is really...not worthy of you."

"If you want to say something like this, then we have nothing to talk about!" Yun Jin suddenly stood up, "Goodbye."

"Yunjin!" He Kang stood up and strode in front of Yunjin, "Listen to me. Now I have obtained the permit. Although Shen Jiwei has not obtained it, he can step back first. My factory is here to help me. Moreover, he can choose the position. I will give him a good salary."

Yun Jin thought about it for a while, this still has to let Shen Jiwei go down and help.

In fact, it is not impossible, but the opponent is General Wu and He Kang, then it is really not possible.

What's more, now Shen Jiwei no longer needs to help them to develop their careers.

Shen Ji only has his own business.

Yun Jin smiled and said, "I understand the kindness of Master He, but Ji only has his own plan and will not come to your company. Thank you."

After she finished speaking, she passed He Kang and left.

He Kang frowned. This Yunjin is really difficult to win. The conditions he put forward are already very good. She and Shen Jiwei still refuse to buy it!

Well then, just wait and see!

General Wu got stuck on Shen Jiwei's path of ascent and development, quite proud.

But soon General Wu found out that he had a problem.

The problem is simple, but not simple.

The current army needs to be equipped with new weapons, which have always been provided by European countries.

Because country s does not have independent R&D and manufacturing capabilities.

Although it is imported, it is not ashamed, because European countries have always been ahead of the world in this regard.

Even though Country S has excellent financial resources and a stable country, it still has shortcomings, which is normal.

This year, when the purchase was going to continue, the country encountered a particularly large number of orders and was very tight, so it only gave General Wu a small batch of goods, which could not meet the needs of country s at all.

General Wu sent people to inquire several times, and he also made it clear that it was unable to supply the goods, and he would have to wait until next year at the latest.

General Wu was also helpless, and went to the presidential palace to discuss the matter with the president and seek a solution.

"If that's the case, can you import it from other places, and make an emergency?" the president asked.

"Sir, you don't know, this kind of weapon is now a very advanced one, except for this country, there is absolutely no other country."

He Kang said lightly: "If the samples are taken to the factory, after disassembly, and the production principle is found, can it be mass-produced?"

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