Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2406: Check his information

"Okay." Yun Jin nodded, "Why haven't you gotten off work? Where are you busy working overtime?"

"I just came here. Many things are unfamiliar. I need more refreshments to keep up with everyone's progress." Liang Han said while inadvertently, he glanced down at most of Yun Jin's hands.

Followed Yunjin to the conference room, Yunjin went to pour coffee, and he took all the photos.

As a retired police officer, Yun Jin has always been very vigilant. He felt that he was taking a picture and did not break it. Instead, he handed him the coffee and smiled: "Then I will go first. You will be busy. "

"Thank you Miss Lu." Liang Han nodded and said, actually holding a sweat in his heart. Although he is quite talented, he is still not good at doing these things.

Fortunately, Yun Jin didn't notice it either, he was finally relieved.

Yunjin came out and saw Ai Jia in the cafe.

Ai Jia used to be her classmate. After she went to D City, she lost contact with Ai Jia.

After coming back this time, I resumed my regular contact with Ai Jia.

Ai Jia is also a police officer now, but she does not do field work, only the internal affairs team, so generally the work is not too hard.

"Yunjin, you are finally busy, and you are willing to meet me. This is what I bought for Xiuyuan." She handed a large bag of things to Yunjin.

Yun Jin accepted it and said with a smile: "Thank you for Xiuyuan. When will I come to see Xiuyuan at home? Now Xiuyuan can walk."

"Really? Awesome. Then I really want to go to the house next time." Ai Jia said with a smile.

"By the way, help me find a person named Liang Han. I don't know his background." Yun Jin handed him Liang Han's photos and information.

In fact, Yun Jin has never liked to doubt people, but the behavior of Liang Han just now made her really puzzled.

On the way here, she read Liang Han's information, basically there is no problem, high education, smart, no bad records.

I hope I am careless.

"Okay, I'll check it for you, and I will give you the result soon."

Yun Jin smiled and said, "Thanks."

In fact, she can also find someone in the Shen family to investigate, but now Shen Jiwei is out of her original life, and she tries to use fair and honest means to do many things, including Shen Cheng.

Although it is not easy to do this and to get rid of all previous habits, Shen Jiwei and Shen Cheng still persisted.

Yun Jin knew that this was a trivial matter, and there was no need for them to mobilize the public for this trivial matter, as long as Ai Jia helped.

Two days later, Ai Jia arrived at Yunjin's house.

"Xiuyuan, Auntie is here to see you." Ai Jia stepped forward and hugged Xiuyuan.

Xiu Yuan looked at her obediently, Yun Jin came forward and asked people to pour coffee.

"Yun Jin, all the information about Liang Han you want is here."

"Okay, thank you." Yun Jin didn't look through it.

"Why, don't you worry about it?" Ai Jia asked.

"I will watch it in a while, and now I have to wait for Ji Wei to come back to deal with it."

Ai Jia was eager to play with Xiuyuan for a while, and smiled: "Okay, let's go to play for a while, let's go, Xiuyuan."

Yun Jin also ran forward with a smile and joined them.

At night, Shen Jiwei and Shen Cheng returned.

Ai Jia wants to leave.

"Let's go after dinner, Ai Jia." Yun Jin left her.

"No, I told my mother to go back to dinner tonight." Ai Jia said with a smile, "I will disturb you next time."

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