"No, no, maybe it was just an accident..."

Song Yancheng retorted: "How could it be an accident? The car was obviously coming directly towards you, how could it be an accident? Mom, tell me honestly, is there someone in the presidential palace who knows about this and doesn't want you Speak, that's why? Who the **** is it?"

Under the question of her son, Mother Song bowed her head.

"Who is it?" Song Yancheng asked, clutching her shoulder.

"A few days ago, the President's wife came to me and asked me what I think of the Presidential Palace. I told her that I didn't understand anything about these things and didn't have any opinions. She asked me to..."

"What do you want?"

"Let me tell you two, stay away from Jingzhou City, and don't try to get involved with the presidential palace. Because the presidential election will be held soon, she doesn't want to interfere with He Feng's career because of our mother and son."

Song Yancheng said anxiously: "Mom, then why didn't you tell us?"

"I have declined her, I told her that we have nothing to do with the Presidential Palace, so where we live, it has nothing to do with them. Moreover, you two are both in Jingzhou City, so how can you just because of her sentence? Then leave?"

"It's really hateful!" Song Yancheng stood up, "I will get evidence soon and go to the presidential palace to arrest people."

"Yancheng!" Mother Song stopped him, "Son, what do we compare to the Presidential Palace? Since you don't want to get involved, let it go. Mom, please."

Shen Jiwei gave Song Yancheng a wink and whispered, "Mom, you have a good rest first, we will definitely not go to the presidential palace. Even if we go, no one will meet us, right?"

"Then you promise Mom not to investigate this matter again, okay?"

"Mom, you lie down and rest first." Shen Jiwei helped her to lie down, "We promise that we will protect ourselves. And we won't get involved in the mess of the presidential palace."

Song Yancheng wanted to speak several times, but Shen Jiwei's eyes were blocked.

After comforting his mother, Shen Jiwei came out.

Arriving far away, Song Yancheng lowered his voice and said, "Brother, do you really care about it? How can you agree to mom's request like this? How can we let the presidential palace oppress mom so much?"

"Definitely we can't leave it alone, but we can't let Mom know about it anymore. We also have to think clearly that it's not He Kang or the President's wife that is involved now. Maybe He Feng himself is also involved."

"You mean, He Feng is also suspecting that we are his son, so he doesn't want our existence to interfere with his reputation and election, so he wants to take action against us?"

Shen Jiwei nodded: "Before we are not sure that he is a good person, we can only put him on the hostile side, otherwise, we will suffer."

"Then now, even if we got enough evidence, we moved them too, right? Just let mom suffer, right?" Song Yancheng was a little anxious.

"The top priority, let's find a mother to settle down safely. For other things, we will settle accounts with the presidential palace. You can't give the presidential palace a bigger deal to deal with mom because of this matter. I asked Yun Jin to find someone in country c. Place, set up mom temporarily."

Song Yancheng made sense when he heard it: "Okay, let's make arrangements with you. I will first find the evidence of the presidential palace to determine which car did the job."

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