Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2423: Serious matter

"That's it. Before we sold a batch of military weapons to allies. When the general of that country received a weapon test, there was a big explosion. The general was killed on the spot, and many others were injured."

As soon as these words came out, both He Feng and General Wu stood up. Obviously, the matter was not trivial and would even affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

"Which military factory did the military weapons come from? Who is the person in charge?" He Feng asked immediately, despite the question just now.

"Yes... It's from Shen Jiwei's company." The person said.

Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin looked at each other and were shocked. Is it his company's weapon?

How can this be?

"The goods this time passed Song Yancheng's hands. So..." The visitor saw that Shen Jiwei and Song Yan were in Chengdu, and thought that the Presidential Palace was already discussing the matter.

A smug smile flashed across Mrs. He's lips.

It's just that everyone was immersed in shock, and no one paid attention.

Mrs. He came out and said, "Shen Jiwei, Song Yancheng, I didn't expect that you would do something like this. It seems that arresting me is also part of your plan? Now, you are making such a big mess. What happened to the presidential palace and country s?"

General Wu also had to say: "Sir, Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng are directly related to this incident. They must be taken into custody and cooperate with the investigation. After the investigation is clear, the conclusion can be made."

This time the matter was very serious, He Feng also had to agree, and said: "Come on, let Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng first!"

"Until the matter is investigated, you can't detain them!" Yun Jin stood up and protected Shen Jiwei.

"Miss Lu, you've seen the matter now. It's such a big trouble. If Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng are not detained, how can I comfort the hearts of the allies?" General Wu persuaded, "This matter must be explained to the other party. Otherwise, I'm afraid the situation caused is not small!"

Shen Jiwei said to Yunjin: "Yunjin, the matter is so big, Yancheng and I will cooperate with them first. You go back first."

"Ji Wei, this is obviously someone trying to frame you and Yancheng. If you are detained, they have just fulfilled their wish. You can't stay..." Yun Jin was very worried.

But with the current state of affairs, Shen Jiwei can no longer choose.

"Yun Jin, you go back first and let Shen Cheng help in the investigation. The sooner the matter is found out, Yancheng and I will have the opportunity to come out earlier. You know?" Shen Jiwei whispered, trusting her reason, at this moment Can control their feelings.

"Then Mrs. He's case..." Yun Jin did not expect that the matter had reached this point, and Mrs. He had escaped. After this stage, it would be really difficult for her to confess her guilt in the future.

"Don't worry, you can continue to deal with it later." Shen Jiwei comforted.

"Take them down." General Wu shouted.

Yun Jin had to watch them being taken away. He Kang said to her: "Miss Lu, when you are unsatisfied, you are talking about you? I think Shen Jiwei is not worthy of your life. Let's get together and go away."

"Young Master He deserves to have grown up in the Presidential Palace, not only in charge of the country's affairs, but also other people's housework. It's just that the state affairs are less in charge, and this housework is much more." Yun Jin said mockingly.

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