Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2430: It's impossible to do it directly

"In the past few days, Xiu Yuan is very obedient and well-behaved. He said he missed you very much."

"Really? Then when I'm done, I'll go home immediately." Shen Jiwei can't wait.

Only the doctor must let him stay, so he had to stay to heal his injuries.

Mo Chenyi and Ming Ye Leng saw their husband and wife like this outside, so they couldn't come in again.

After finding that Shen Jiwei's injuries were not serious, they confessed to the doctors and nurses, and then sent additional protection, before leaving.

Shen Cheng also brought many people to protect Shen Jiwei.

After all, it was not an accident that he was injured this time.

On Song Yancheng's side, the police station hurriedly arranged for him to follow him, fearing that another accident would happen, so it was difficult to explain.

In fact, since Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng left the presidential palace, Mrs. He didn't dare to send anyone any more.

In the past, she dared to fight against them everywhere, simply because Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng were in the light, she was in the dark, and no one knew how many flowers she had and what she would arrange to deal with them.

Now even He Feng didn't believe her, she couldn't do it directly anymore.

Besides, after He Feng knew that these two were his own sons, how could he completely ignore it?

If Mrs. He did it at this time, He Feng would have taken the actual evidence completely. Everything she wanted to fight for herself and her son would be lost.

Yun Jin accompanied Shen Jiwei, with endless love words.

After Song Yancheng came out of the hospital, he immediately returned to the police station.

"Officer Song." Someone brought him food immediately, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

The question was a female police officer. Song Yancheng attracted the attention of many female police officers in the police station. However, his eyes were not placed here at all.

Before, his heart was on Yunjin's side. Now that Yunjin is with Shen Jiwei, his heart is completely focused on work.

He can't see the pursuit on the bright side, let alone such secret pursuit.

"It's okay." Song Yancheng finished, taking a big bite to eat, but his eyes stayed on the computer. Looking at the file, he didn't even glance at the person next to him.

The female police officer wanted to say something more, Song Yancheng said: "Help me check this information."

As soon as he came back, he just wanted to deal with a few cases as soon as possible and finish what he had accumulated.

The female police officer happily went to help him get the information.

Song Yancheng was eating something, and suddenly received a call.

He picked it up: "Hey, what's the matter, just say it. What? I'll come over right away!"

He picked up his jacket and immediately drove towards a place.

The phone said that Grandpa Li has passed away, but he has no relatives, so someone needs to go back and deal with the funeral.

Because Song Yancheng always went back to see Grandpa Li before, so he called him over there.

Grandpa Li and grandma are old friends, and they both live in the mountain village where he took Yunjin.

Grandma has passed away, and Grandpa Li's health is not very good, and he often doesn't recognize people.

Song Yancheng didn't expect that he would pass away.

He drove back to the outskirts of the mountain village, and someone greeted him and said, "Mr. Song, right? Yesterday someone found out that Grandpa Li passed away. We found your number in his phone, so please come back. You are Grandpa Li of……"

"I'm Grandpa Li's grandson." Song Yancheng said, since Grandpa Li has no descendants, it's okay to take this responsibility.

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