Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2433: In a good mood

She raised her eyes and glanced at Song Yancheng, her face flushed suddenly. Fortunately, it was him, at least a normal man. If she was touched by those two gangsters, she would really die.

The man in front of him, long and compatible looks can be considered one in a million, and his first explanation here is worth it.

Song Yancheng was stopped by what she said, and when he met her beautiful eyes, he couldn't help but want to care about her affairs.

"What happened to those two men just now?"

"You see, two rascals. If there is nothing else, I will go first." Her heart beat faster, and after putting on her clothes, she ran out.

"Stop!" Song Yancheng shouted. The two rascals may not have left. Isn't it dangerous for her to run out like this?

But she didn't care. It was because she was drugged just now, and now her mind is sober, she is afraid that the two men will fail?

She is not powerless!

Song Yancheng could only watch her disappear in front of him.

The car couldn't be driven, so he punched the car window. All these things he did today were wrong.

As a senior police chief, he really made mistakes again and again.

When encountering such a thing, wouldn't it be that after dealing with the two gangsters, the subordinates should come and send the victim back to the police station, notify the doctor to deal with it, and then make a transcript?

But the order of his work is all messed up!

I never thought I would make such a mistake!

Song Yancheng found an ID card on the ground, picked it up, and it contained the girl's information.

Tang Tian.

The name is good, as the name is, as sweet as her name.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corners of his eyes and brows.

Calling his subordinates, Song Yancheng got into the car.

Xiao Gao, who came to pick him up, joked, "Song Officer, are you in a good mood?"

Song Yancheng put away his emotions, Xiao Gao leaned forward and asked, "Did you find a sister-in-law for us?"

"Roll the calf, go aside." Song Yancheng patted the back of his head.

Xiao Gao laughed happily. Before Song Yancheng was an undercover agent, he was doing things next to Song Yancheng.

Now when he came back, Song Yancheng transferred him to his side again, but Xiao Gao hadn't seen Song Yancheng feel this way for a long time.

Back at the police station, Song Yancheng checked it by this name.

Tang Tian grew up in an orphanage, but did not go to school afterwards. He worked as a croupier in a casino with numerous friends and was very mixed.

It seems to be very experienced.

By the way, he also checked her phone number.

Always return her ID, right?

Song Yancheng was about to call and received a call from the hospital.

"Police Officer Song, Wei Shao's condition has worsened, and you need to visit the hospital as soon as possible."

"What? My brother was just traumatized, how could it get worse?" Song Yancheng was puzzled, "I'll come over right away."

There was a panic in his heart.

It stands to reason that Shen Jiwei can now be discharged from the hospital.

His injuries are all traumas, and after surgery, he only needs to recuperate.

Song Yancheng went to the hospital with anxiety.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he strode towards the doctor: "Doctor, what is going on with my brother?"

"That's the case of Police Officer Song. A toxin appeared in Wei Shao's body, which made his wounds unable to heal, even inflamed and pus, and the wound worsened. Wei Shao didn't let us tell my grandma, so we had to call You," the doctor said.

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