Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2437: The choice made is worth it

Song Yancheng quickly told Shen Jiwei what the doctor had just said.

Shen Jiwei was slightly relieved.

"Brother, I said, you will be fine. Right?" Song Yancheng relieved his heart.

Knowing that he is not worried about his own physical condition at all, the only person who can't let go is Yun Jin.

"Yancheng, I think you promise me one thing." Shen Jiwei's expression suddenly became serious.

Song Yancheng said: "Brother, don't do this, the doctors have said, as long as hematopoietic stem cells are cultivated, there will be no problem."

Shen Jiwei smiled bitterly. No one knows his physical condition better than himself.

He said: "Yancheng, you can replace me."

Song Yancheng didn't understand what he meant for a while.

"I mean, let's change our identities. You will become me and continue to live in my name. I don't want Yun Jin to worry about it."

"Brother!" Song Yancheng understood now that Shen Jiwei wanted to make himself Shen Jiwei and live on in his place.

"Yancheng, I take care of you." Shen Jiwei looked at Song Yancheng, his eyes burning.

He knew that Song Yancheng also liked Yunjin.

If she really died, how could Yun Jin be able to withstand this blow? She will never be happy for the rest of her life, and she will definitely not pursue any happiness in life.

If he died, Yun Jin's life would be "dead" in this way, this is not what he wants to see at all.

Only if he is alive, Yun Jin can live well.

"No, brother, you will get better, how could it be like this... We haven't gotten justice for your mother. You may have been hurt by Mrs. He. All the accounts have not been recovered. How could something happen to you? ?"

"Yancheng!" Shen Jiwei grabbed his hand, "What if the chance of surgery is not high? Would you like to see Yunjin live in pain and hopelessness for most of her life?"

Song Yancheng is certainly not willing.

Even if I can't bear to see Yunjin have any grievances.

But by no means this way.


"I know, this is also difficult for you. After all, from now on, you are no longer yourself. Instead, you have to live in my name..." Just as Shen Jiwei said this proposal, it was also a heartbreaker. The pain is average, no one will feel better.

But for Yunjin, he knew the choice he made was worthwhile.

Shen Jiwei looked at Song Yancheng with earnest eyes.

In fact, Song Yancheng knew that it was Shen Jiwei who was perfecting Yunjin and he was also perfecting himself. Shen Jiwei knew that he also liked Yunjin's things, so he is now willing to use this method to complete and let go.


Song Yancheng thought of something else in his heart.

However, after all, he nodded and said, "Okay, brother, I promise you. But you should also do the surgery, and you can't give up now. If you get better, we will change it back."

"Good." Shen Jiwei nodded.

Once such a decision was made, Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng changed their identities immediately.

They were originally identical twins and looked very alike. People who met them for the first time could not tell who their brothers were.

Even Yunjin was not clear at first.

Especially at the very beginning, Song Yancheng and Shen Jiwei both liked to wear the same white shirts, which made it difficult to distinguish between them.

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