Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2440: A little disappointed

Maybe Song Yancheng also has important things to do this time?

Lying on the hospital bed, Song Yancheng suddenly received a text message from Tang Tian: "You mean the ID card? Where are you? I can find it some time."

Song Yancheng is now inconvenient to see her again, so he edited the text message and sent her: "You tell me a location, and I'll send it to you."

"Also." Tang Tian quickly gave a string of addresses.

Song Yancheng squeezed the phone, an inexplicable emotion flashed through his heart.

The feeling towards Tang Tian is very strange, it is completely indescribable.

When facing Tang Tian, ​​his self-control has never been so bad.

She was his first woman and the only one.

Before that, he had never really thought that something would happen to a strange woman.

And now, he has promised Shen Jiwei that if he wants to become Shen Jiwei, then in the future, he can only have such an identity.

He asked Shen Jiwei's subordinates to come over, put Tang Tian's ID card in the envelope, and said, "This is what Yancheng left. You take it to his subordinate Xiaogao."

Then he called Xiao Gao in his own capacity: "Xiao Gao, Shen Jiwei's subordinates will send something. You go to a place and give this thing to a woman."

After Tang Tian finished work, she took off her makeup and high heels before she changed her clothes and went out.

Thinking of meeting Shen Jiwei, she felt nervous inexplicably.

Then he was relieved again, what was so nervous, what happened that day was also an accident, not her intention.

If she hadn't met those bullies and drugged her, how could she be like that day?

Besides, didn't he also enjoy it back then?

When she arrived at the coffee shop that Tang Tian had arranged, she sat down and ordered a cup of coffee. A young man ran in, sat next to her, and said, "You are Miss Tang Tian, ​​right?"

"Are you?" Tang Tian didn't expect that the person waiting to arrive was not the same man that day.

I was a little disappointed.

"I was sent by Officer Song. This is what he asked me to give you. Check it out." Xiao Gao handed it to Tang Tian.

Tang Tian's disappointment deepened. He picked it up and took a look, and said, "There's no problem."

"That's good, then I'll go first, Miss Tang, when Police Officer Song mentioned me later, please say a few words for me." Xiao Gaodui ran away with a smile on his face.

He had never seen any woman appear in front of Officer Song. He suddenly saw Tang Tian and thought of Song Yancheng's smile. He secretly believed that Tang Tian was Song Yancheng's girlfriend, so he would naturally say such things.

Tang Tian was inexplicable, put his credentials in his wallet, and thought to himself that the man, surnamed Song, Song police officer, seemed to be quite senior.

Why didn't he come by himself? Tang Tian was a little bit worried about gains and losses.

She knocked her head, scolded herself for thinking too much, picked up the coffee, and put aside all the messy thoughts.

After Song Yancheng and Shen Jiwei switched, Shen Jiwei's condition became more serious, and Song Yancheng obviously had no problem.

The next day, Song Yancheng could be discharged from the hospital.

Yun Jin came over early in the morning and said to Song Yancheng with a smile: "Ji Wei, you can be discharged from the hospital right away. The doctor has already opened the discharge procedures for you. By the way, why didn't you see Yancheng?"

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