Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2443: To be qualified for this status

"Okay, only, Officer Song. Ring the bell to call me if you have something to do." The doctor answered and helped him cover the quilt before leaving.

Yun Jin and Song Yancheng returned home.

Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong were both here. Seeing them, they smiled and said, "Ji Wei, congratulations on being discharged from the hospital. My aunt knows that you love sea bass, so I steamed one for you."

"Thank you Auntie." Song Yancheng is also familiar with them, so he is no stranger to talking.

Xiuyuan pattered towards Song Yancheng, opening his hands to hug him.

Song Yancheng hugged him into his arms and hugged him tightly as he listened to Xiuyuan calling Dad Bi Da Bi.

Lin Motong brought up the food, and everyone had eaten it together.

In the afternoon, Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong left, and Shen Cheng quickly avoided, wanting to leave time for them to be alone.

In fact, Song Yancheng was a bit embarrassed.

He really liked Yunjin for a long time.

But after knowing that Yunjin and Shen Jiwei are in love, he has done ideological work for himself for a long time to give up Yunjin.

Besides, he later met Tang Tian.

What's more, he is now supposed to call Yunjin his sister-in-law.

In order for him to interact closely with Yun Jin, he really couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

Fortunately, before he could make excuses, Xiu Yuan cried, arguing about taking a nap.

Yun Jin hugged Xiuyuan apologetically and said to him: "Ji Wei, you go and rest for a while. I'll accompany Xiuyuan to coax him to sleep for a while."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work." Song Yancheng knew that sooner or later there would be embarrassment, but the later the embarrassment came, the better.

Even if he still has no feelings for Yun Jin, he can't ignore Shen Jiwei and what happened to Yun Jin.

He returned to the study to read the documents. Shen Jiwei said that he can no longer design weapons in the future, but he must be familiar with it to be competent for this status.

Since Song Yancheng has agreed, he will never break his promise.

He watched it for a while, and with his cleverness, it was not too difficult to learn these things.

Thinking of Shen Jiwei, Song Yancheng immediately called him.


On the phone, Shen Jiwei's voice seemed very weak, and then there was no voice.

"Brother?" Song Yancheng was startled.

The doctor's voice came over there: "Are you?"

"How is my brother?"

"Only he passed out." The doctor said when he heard that it was him.

"Isn't it good before, why suddenly it deteriorated so quickly?" Song Yancheng asked anxiously.

The doctor was also a little helpless: "This toxin is like this. I didn't feel anything at the beginning. In the later stage, the more corrosive, the virus fission is very fast, and the natural condition deteriorates quickly."

"I'll come over and take a look!" Song Yancheng said immediately.

He stood up and went out, and Shen Cheng immediately followed: "Master, do you need me to follow?"

"No, I'll go to the hospital, Yancheng is sick, I'll go over and see." He said, and drove away.

Shen Cheng had to stop.

Yun Jin coaxed Xiuyuan to sleep and ran off without seeing Shen Jiwei when he returned to his room and study.

"Shen Cheng, where is Ji Wei?"

"The young master said that Officer Song seemed to be sick and went to the hospital." Shen Cheng said, "He looks very anxious, I wanted to follow, but the young master refused."

Yun Jin also became worried: "No wonder I haven't seen Yancheng in the past two days. It turns out that he is sick and I don't know what's going on. I'll call and ask."

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