Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2451: Strange thoughts

not bad! Her face turned pale, but then she laughed at herself. What young woman did he talk to and what did it have to do with her?

She took advantage of Song Yancheng to put away the phone, slid under his hand, turned and ran.

Song Yancheng cursed secretly, but didn't pursue it anymore. Shen Jiwei's identity was not suitable for him to do such a thing.

Tang Tian ran away and got the wallet. She took out all the money from it and said in a low voice: "This boss Jiang, every time the rice, noodles, grains and oils that he gives to the orphanage are inferior products, she dares to do it again and again. Come to fool you and let the people from the orphanage give him the company platform, making people think that he is a big philanthropist, but in the end, it is a shit!"

Tang Tian took all the money to buy books and rice, then called a car and sent it to the orphanage.

She grew up in this orphanage, and she didn't want anyone to take advantage of the orphanage.

Song Yancheng looked at the direction she was going, and withdrew his gaze, but felt a little pity for Tang Tian.

A good girl, who doesn't do anything wrong, is going to be kidnapped.

It's just that now, he is no longer Song Yancheng, so he can no longer take care of her.

Back at Shen's house, Yun Jin had already sent away Ai Jia and stepped forward to greet Song Yancheng.

"Ji Wei, is Yancheng okay?" Yun Jin asked as soon as they met.

"It's okay, just a little problem." Song Yancheng answered calmly.

Yun Jin whispered: "I always feel strangely uncomfortable in my heart, and I don't know what's wrong. I have always been hanging my heart."

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Okay." Song Yancheng patted her shoulder.

Yun Jin felt uncomfortable, and said softly: "There is nothing else at home, but my heart is messed up."

"It's okay, be good." Song Yancheng circled her in his arms, but after thinking of Shen Jiwei, he finally felt guilty, and just gave her a light hug and released her.

Yun Jin thinks he is also a little weird, but if you look closely, you can't see what's wrong.

He is still so calm, even when he smiles, the arc is the same.

"You..." Yun Jin wanted to say something, but didn't say it. He just asked, "Where is Yancheng? Since it's okay, I won't go home to eat."

"You seem to mention Yancheng more and more recently."

"I didn't mean that..." Yun Jin always feels something weird. If I can see Song Yancheng, I might think it is not so weird.

But the two of their brothers didn't show up at the same time, and she couldn't say what was to blame.

Yunjin peeled a plate of mangoes, and Shen Jiwei was born in the south and was used to eating mangoes.

Song Yancheng grew up in the north and was not used to this taste.

"Ji Wei, eat more fruit."

Song Yan didn't want to eat it, but thought that Shen Jiwei likes to eat mangoes, picked it up, resisted the discomfort, and quickly ate half a plate.

He pushed to Yunjin: "It's very sweet, so you should eat more. I'll take care of something first and get down later."

Yun Jin sighed. She always felt that Shen Jiwei was weird now, and sometimes even felt that he had Song Yancheng's habitual movements.

However, the two brothers were very similar in many places, and now they are always together, it is really difficult to distinguish.

She remembered this plate of mangoes temporarily, so she brought it out for him to eat.

Seeing that he didn't frown even after eating, and Song Yan never liked to eat mangoes, Yun Jin finally let go of the strange thoughts in his mind.

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