When she got up and went downstairs, the nanny smiled and brought breakfast up and said, "Mother, Master and Master Cheng went to the company early in the morning. Master told you that you must drink more bird's nest to take care of your body."

"Okay." Yun Jin nodded, but when she held the spoon, she lost her mind several times.

Thinking about something, Ai Jia called.

"Yunjin, do you want to go to the hospital with me to get the report? Or should I help you get it back together?"

"I'm fine anyway, let's go together."

Yun Jin followed Ai Jia to the hospital with all his heart.

Ai Jia quickly got the medical report, which showed that everything was normal.

"If Shen Cheng knows, don't worry." Yun Jin said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Sweetness also appeared on Ai Jia's face, knowing that she was going to the hospital, and she called her when Shen Cheng was late last night.

She received the call and was so excited that she didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night.

But I woke up early this morning, wishing to go to the hospital early to get the examination report.

In this way, you can call Shen Cheng again.

Yun Jin smiled and looked at her. The feeling of falling in love is really good. The initial feelings are just like them.

When Yun Jin got the report, she was a little surprised.

"Congratulations, Miss Lu, you are pregnant." The doctor said with a smile, "It's almost three months, haven't you noticed it yourself?"

"Three months?" Yun Jin was indeed surprised and a little embarrassed, "Really, I haven't had an official holiday for a while, but I have ignored it myself."

"That's because you are too busy. Only Shao has frequent accidents over there, and you have been busy with his company. Some time ago, every time I asked you, nine out of ten times, I heard that you were busy. You just got a little free for a while, do you think about it?" Ai Jia said angrily, "No matter how busy you are, you must take care of your body!"

Yun Jin is indeed too busy some time ago, she hurriedly asked: "Doctor, is the baby healthy?"

"At present, all indicators are very normal. But if you want your child, you must have other tests." The doctor said with a smile.

"Definitely." Yun Jin nodded heavily. Although she and Shen Jiwei had not clearly discussed how many children she had, she herself liked children very much, especially the children belonged to her and Shen Jiwei. How can it not be?

She didn't deliberately contraceptive herself. Having a child really felt it was a great blessing.

Ai Jia also grabbed her hand excitedly: "Congratulations, Yunjin."

The doctor issued a few orders and handed them to Yunjin: "Then you should go for a few checkups. If there is no problem, you have to take good care of the baby. Now it is a more dangerous time. You must take care of your body."

"Thank you, doctor." Yun Jin went to check and dialed Shen Jiwei.

Song Yancheng was dealing with things in the company. Many things he didn't understand needed Shen Jiwei's guidance, so when Yun Jin's phone came in, his phone was still unavailable.

Yunjin called countless times, and his mobile phone was busy.

Listening to the busy line on the phone, she had no choice but to forget.

Ai Jia comforted: "Yi Shao must be busy, it doesn't matter, I'll check it later, and then tell him it's the same."

"Well," Yun Jin's mood was already a little depressed, but she still tried to make herself happy because she was afraid of affecting her children.

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