Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2461: It's all his fault

"Song Yancheng, you are such a bastard. You don't know me at all, why do you say that to me?"

"If you weren't me these few times, you would have been sold. Don't think you don't care when you are young. Once you fall into the career of trading your body for money, do you think you still have a chance to get up?"

Tang Tian bit his lip with anger, and stretched out his hand: "Okay, I'm the one who exchanges money with my body, and the last time the money is settled to me, we have nothing to do! Give the money!"

"You!" Song Yancheng didn't expect that she would fall for herself.

"Bring it!" Tang Tian pulled his clothes and looked for the wallet in his clothes.

Her face flushed with anger, aggrieved and uncomfortable, tears in her eyes filled with tears, and she resisted it until she did not fall.

He actually thought she was such a woman! That’s why every time I see her, do you say you don’t know her?

But since you don't know each other, why do you still have to say such nonsense?

What does her life have to do with him?

While she was pulling with Song Yancheng, Song Yancheng was suddenly embraced.

"Let go!" Tang Tian was extremely surprised and wanted to push him away.

When in his arms, the familiar feeling made her heart beat faster, but she did not dare to accept this reality.

Don't even dare to accept your own state of mind!

At this moment, Yunjin was already near their car.

When they parked just now, Yun Jin had gotten out of the car and saw all kinds of pulls between them.

Yun Jin really couldn't believe her eyes until she saw Song Yancheng holding Tang Tian in her arms.

She finally knew why she felt weird these days, because he had been avoiding her all the time, and when he was talking to her, he didn't even dare to look into her eyes.

He has been avoiding close interaction with her, and also avoiding talking to her seriously.

All her weird feelings stemmed from his cheating and falling in love with other women!

Yunjin was so uncomfortable that she was about to vomit out.

She turned and ran towards her car.

Song Yancheng also saw her!

Damn it! Song Yancheng scolded himself secretly, it was all his fault!

He is now in the identity of Shen Jiwei, driving Shen Jiwei's car, coming out of Shen Jiwei's company, using everything Shen Jiwei, but using his own identity to tell Tang Tian this kind of thing here!

Even let Yun Jin see that she is hugging Tang Tian!

This is **** it! Shen Jiwei promised to do well, but he messed up the matter!

"Yunjin! Yunjin!" Without hesitation, he opened the car door, got out of the car, and pursued Yunjin.

Listening to him yelling Yun Jin's name, and running towards Yun Jin carefully, Tang Tian's heart instantly fell cold.

Watching him chasing Yunjin, she should have taken the opportunity to get out of the car quickly.

But at this moment, she has no strength at all.

Yun Jin got into the car and drove forward.

Song Yancheng returned to the car and said, "Go down."

Tang Tian bit his lip, opened the car door, and went down.

Song Yancheng immediately chased Yunjin's car.

Yun Jin didn't know all the things during this period. Under such circumstances, how could Song Yancheng not worry if she drove the car again?

If something happens to her, how can his heart be peaceful?

He took out his cellphone and wanted to call Yunjin, only to find that the cellphone was dead.

As a last resort, he could only speed up and chase Yunjin.

Tang Tian stood still, watching his car leave far away, with a touch of coldness on the corners of his lips.

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