Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2465: The real cause of panic

Shen Jiwei coughed, and Song Yancheng hurriedly helped him and said, "Brother, don't think about it so much. I will do a good job afterwards. Shen Cheng, you can't tell anyone about this matter. Can you do it?"

Shen Cheng's eyes were red, and he had not shed tears after he had followed Shen Jiwei for many years.

Now seeing Shen Jiwei like this, he just wants to cry hard.

"I know." Shen Cheng finally nodded heavily.

"Is there any news about Yunjin now?" Song Yancheng asked.

Shen Cheng said, "I'll go out and have a look right away."

Yunjin's car is still driving on the road.

Originally, her heart was so painful that she could not breathe, and her pregnancy reaction made her feel dizzy.

She parked the car aside, stroking her lower abdomen, no, no matter what happened, she must love her baby, the child is innocent.

After experiencing so many things, she has endured it. How could she harm the baby because of this little thing?

After being blown by the cold wind, her sanity gradually returned, and the excitement that was just now slowly dissipated.

Thinking of Shen Jiwei just now, she suddenly broke the chord in her mind.

Just now, Shen Jiwei, dressed up, was obviously different from Shen Jiwei who was holding other women.

When she was too emotional, she didn't notice this, but once she calmed down and everything returned to reason, she found out if she had made a mistake.

Why is this happening?

Thinking of Shen Jiwei just now, his face was so thin that he was very different from the past, Yun Jin was suddenly hit in his heart.

He was too thin and seemed to have a lot less strength than usual, so that she could easily escape from him.

What happened to him?

Why is this happening?

Yun Jin discovered that the reason for her real panic... was because Shen Jiwei, something really happened!

During this period of time, she has been in a panic and very restless, because of this.

The "Shen Jiwei" at home who is different from usual and has always been evasive. Today I saw Shen Jiwei, who was hesitant and unspeakable...

She knew that the relationship between the two people for many years, after so much life and death, Shen Jiwei would not break this trust.

How could she not trust him?

He must have something very serious!

Yun Jin immediately called the hospital.

The attending doctor froze.

"Doctor, I am the patient's family member. You have the obligation and responsibility to tell me anything about the patient!" Yun Jin asked.

"Mrs. Shen... the person in the hospital is actually Police Officer Song, so, in fact, I am not obliged to tell you his condition..." The attending doctor still helped conceal it and refused to say it.

Yun Jin didn't want to say any more, hung up the phone, and went straight to the hospital.

Her heart was filled with self-blame and guilt, and the pain made her almost unable to breathe.

On the way, she called Lin Motong.

"Yunjin, haven't you rested so late?"

"Aunt..." Yun Jin cried as soon as she spoke.

Lin Motong was startled: "Yun Jin, say something slowly, don't worry, we are here."

"Aunt... I know you have a friend, Aunt Jian. She is a nurse. Her husband Uncle Zhuo works in the hospital. I want to see a medical record..." The only person Yun Jin can think of is Lin Motong.

Her own friends are not enough to check medical records.

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