Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2469: Master is saved

The doctor said: "It stands to reason that this child was conceived by Yu Shao before he was infected with the toxin. It is okay to help Yu Shao to treat the disease. But...we can't be sure now. The young lady is pregnant with a daughter."

Hearing this, Song Yancheng and Shen Cheng really felt cold.

Although Yun Jin is pregnant with twins, who can be sure that she is pregnant with a daughter?

Both the Lu family and the Shen family have genes for twins, but the percentage of genes for having sons is also very high.

Yun Jin has two older brothers herself, Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng are also boys.

She was pregnant in her belly, and it was hard to tell if she had a daughter.

Shen Jiwei said softly: "Doctor, thank you. Yancheng, Shen Cheng, Yunjin has been pregnant very hard, and she must be very worried about my condition, it is not easy. You can't force your child, don't say anything. Too much affects Yun Jin's mood."

"Only Shao, as long as there is hope, we will do our best when the time comes. When the young grandma's body improves, we will first perform non-invasive surgery to determine whether the fetus in her stomach is a boy or a girl, and then we will make a surgical plan for you." The doctor said, now that there is a chance, he is also quite happy.

Shen Jiwei said immediately: "Okay, but everything is premised on not harming Yunjin. Nor can it harm the child."

"We understand, only Shao." After the doctor said, he turned and went out.

Song Yancheng and Shen Cheng were both worried and happy in their hearts.

Now there is finally a glimmer of hope, and things happen to be so coincidental, how can they be unhappy?

Yun Jin quickly woke up and saw Shen Jiwei's worried eyes, and said apologetically: "Sorry, Ji Wei, you are still sick, but I..."

"It's okay." Shen Jiwei said softly, "The doctor has just said that you are pregnant with twins, and you are too emotional and a little bit unable to hold it, so you fainted."

"You know?" Yun Jin was very happy, but also a little bit sad.

Now she has two other sons, but Shen Jiwei's body is...

"Don't be sad, the doctor said, you have to maintain a good mood to benefit your baby." Shen Jiwei comforted.

Shen Cheng also said immediately: "Yes, grandma, and the doctor said, if there are girls among the children you are pregnant, the master will be saved."

"Really? What's the matter?" Yun Jin immediately wanted to sit up.

Shen Jiwei hurriedly helped her and gave Shen Cheng a glance, asking him not to say more.

Shen Cheng couldn't help but said: "The doctor said, as long as it is the chromosomes of women who are related to the young master, they can cultivate suitable hematopoietic stem cells for the young master's treatment. So if you give birth to a daughter, The young master will be saved."

"Really? Is it true?" Yun Jin was happy when he heard it, and looked at Shen Jiwei, hoping to get his affirmative answer.

But before Shen Jiwei could answer, she also realized the problem: "But...I don't know if I am pregnant with a boy or a girl."

Her mood fell.

Shen Jiwei said: "Shen Cheng, you go out first."

Shen Cheng realized that he had said something wrong, making Yun Jin so sad, so he had to go out quickly.

Shen Jiwei comforted: "Yun Jin, it's okay. If there really is a daughter, it is my luck and blessing. If not, my son is also our good fortune and will become the crystallization of our love. No matter what, the child and you Okay, I'm satisfied."

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