Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2474: Recovered well

Soon it was seven months into her pregnancy.

While the doctor arranged her caesarean section, she also arranged a simultaneous operation for Shen Jiwei.

As soon as Yun Jin's operation was completed, Shen Jiwei immediately operated.

Many relatives and friends came this time.

Even He Feng's car has been waiting outside.

This incident was caused by Mrs. He after all, and He Feng was also hanging in his heart for a while.

Shen Jiwei's condition, he is more worried than anyone else.

Everyone is waiting anxiously.

Finally, the dragon and phoenix were born.

Because it was less than a month, the child was sent to an incubator as soon as he was born, and Shen Jiwei's operation began to be carried out in full swing.

Fortunately, the doctor said that the two children are very healthy, and all the body organs have been fully developed. After living in the incubator for a week, they can come out.

This finally relieved everyone.

After Yunjin's anesthetic was effective, she also woke up.

"What about the child?" she asked immediately the first thing.

"Yun Jin, the child sent the incubator, everything is fine. Ji Wei is also undergoing surgery." Lin Motong said softly.

"Good." Yun Jin lay back weakly.

Lin Motong brought the soup over: "This is the soup for you. You can drink some before you have the strength to wait for Ji Wei to come out."

"Thank you auntie." Yun Jin is very grateful, and there are many people standing at home beside him.

This time, Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei did not rush over in time because of problems in the country. They were all accompanied by family and friends.

Especially Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong, completely treating her as their own daughter.

Lin Motong fed her a lot and drank a lot. Yunjin was tired and hungry at first. Lin Motong's soup was fragrant. After drinking a lot of hot water, Yunjin felt that she had recovered.

"You are waiting here, Ming Lang, your uncle, and your little white brother are all waiting outside Ji Wei's operating room. As soon as there is news, I will tell you."

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded gently.

Lin Motong held her hand: "Yun Jin, sleep well."

Where Yun Jin can sleep, she can't fall asleep at all.

The wound on her body was also very painful. She could only watch the clock and the second hand struck her heart.

I don’t know how long it took, when news came from outside, Song Yancheng ran in: "Yun Jin, my brother has a successful operation!"

The rest of the people also heard excited voices, clear, Mo Yanbai, and cold tomorrow.

Yun Jin relaxed and finally fell asleep groggy.

Lin Motong hurried them out: "Okay, okay, I see, Yun Jin is very tired, it's time to rest. You should go out and wait first."

Everyone was kicked out, but everyone was happy.

This is a rare good thing, everyone is happy.

Shen Jiwei's operation was particularly smooth.

As soon as the hematopoietic stem cells were transplanted, they were in perfect fit with his body. There was no rejection reaction, and Shen Jiwei's body and complexion recovered well.

The doctor said with a smile: "Only, in a few days, the toxins in your body will be completely eliminated. At that time, your body will be completely fine."

"Thank you, doctor. Where is Yun Jin?" Shen Jiwei asked.

"My grandmother is too tired, and her body is very weak. Now she is peacefully recuperating. Your body is fine now, so you can go see her." The doctor smiled.

Although Shen Jiwei had surgery, but because of his good foundation, he recovered better than Yun Jin.

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