Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2476: Become a brother at such a young age

He Feng didn't want anything extravagant, so he simply exhorted and left.

Xiu Yuan came to see his younger brother and sister.

He was still a child himself. He couldn't help being amazed when he saw his infant brother and sister who were younger than himself. He whispered, "Is the younger brother and sister also Mommy's children?"

"Yes." Shen Jiwei laughed in a low voice.

"Wow." Xiu Yuan looked at them seriously.

"Xiuyuan is the best, he has become an older brother at such a young age. In the future, younger siblings will love elder brother, and elder brother will love younger siblings the most, right?" Yun Jin smiled at him.

Xiu Yuan flushed with excitement and nodded heavily.

Shen Jiwei couldn't help laughing, and said softly: "Well, let's go out and play for a while, let mommy and younger siblings rest."

"Yeah." Xiao Xiuyuan ran out, and immediately a nanny took him downstairs.

Shen Jiwei turned around, looked at Yunjin, and said in a low voice: "I'll take two small ones to sleep in another room. You can rest well so that you won't be disturbed."

"No, just let them stay." Yun Jin was a little reluctant, and took his hand. "With them, I feel more at ease."

"Alright." Shen Jiwei said softly, helping her to lie down, "Let's sleep for a while."

Yun Jin nodded and closed his eyes, indeed a little tired.

When she was born in Xiuyuan, she did not breastfeed or take care of the child.

Now both children are breast-feeding, her affairs are indeed more than before.

And she has never wanted to treat her children badly anymore, and she has done a lot of things by herself, which naturally worked a lot.

She fell asleep very quickly, and Shen Jiwei saw the child asleep, leaning against Yun Jin. The life he wants now is what he wants most. With her, everything is well.

Yun Jin spent the entire postpartum period peacefully. Although breastfeeding was a bit hard, she still recovered well with Shen Jiwei.

Apart from letting her breastfeed, Shen Jiwei took the nanny to do the rest. Yun Jin spent her postpartum period in a very scientific way.

As soon as she was out of confinement, she basically recovered to her previous body shape and face shape, and she was slightly rounded, and her complexion looked particularly good and very pleasing.

Lu Zhanting and the others came here several times, and every time they saw Yun Jin like this, they returned with satisfaction.

Since Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin are all well, they have nothing to worry about.

Shen Jiwei, Yun Jin and their two children all went to the hospital for health checks.

The results of the examination were very good. Shen Jiwei's body recovered very quickly and well, and it was basically the same as before.

Yun Jin's physical condition was also good, and the two children quickly grew white and fat, generally no different from other full-term children.

Everyone in the family was very happy when they received the news, and now they are all right.

On the way back, Yun Jin couldn't help but said: "I don't know what happened to Yancheng and that girl recently?"

"I really didn't ask." Shen Jiwei's thoughts were on Yun Jin and the two children, and he hadn't cared about Song Yancheng.

"I have always deliberately stayed away from the last thing." Yun Jin said embarrassedly, "In case it really delays others..."

"It's okay, Yancheng won't blame us. Also, that girl will definitely understand him." Shen Jiwei didn't want Yun Jin to worry.

Besides, Song Yancheng may not be able to solve such a matter by himself.

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