Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2488: Sweet days

Yun Jin laughed: "Okay. Go ahead."

Only then did Shen Cheng ran away.

Shen Jiwei had only some skin injuries this time, most of which were bruises.

Even so, Yun Jin was looking for a special doctor to prescribe the medicine, worrying that he had only had an operation last time, and he is not quite well now.

Going upstairs, Yun Jin accompanies Shen Jiwei to take a bath first, and then apply medicine to him.

But the bath time was long enough, Yun Jin knew that he should not accompany him in the bath, otherwise it would not take so long.

But she was still worried if she didn't accompany him to wash.

After finally washing, Yun Jin dried his skin with a towel, and then applied medicine to him when he got to the bed.

Speaking of this time, Shen Jiwei didn't suffer much serious injuries, but there were a lot of various bruises on his back and arms.

Yun Jin felt very distressed, so he gently took the cotton swab and applied the ointment on him, and asked in a low voice, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts." Shen Jiwei said.

"Where does it hurt? Do you want to rub it?" Yun Jin was immediately worried, and hurriedly poked his head from behind him.

Shen Jiwei grabbed her hand, pressed it to a place where he was not satisfied, and whispered: "It won't hurt if you knead here."

"It's bad. I've been with you just now. Don't make trouble, I have to put medicine on you." Yun Jin said strangely, but the corners of his eyes and brows were smiling.

Shen Jiwei let go of her and whispered: "Then I obediently wipe it off, will there be a reward?"

"Why, the reward has already been given to you." Yun Jin smiled sweetly, but a little ashamed, and kissed him on the face, "Is that all right?"

Shen Jiwei was very satisfied and said, "This is good now. But I don't know what other rewards I want in a while."

"Shhh." Yun Jin pressed his lips, "If you say it again, it won't be good for a few hours."

On the contrary, Shen Jiwei didn't want to apply the medicine anymore, grabbing her hand, and pressing her under her body: "Now is our alone time, no one can bother, even if it is a few hours, what does it matter?

Yun Jin still wants to struggle. He has already cut her hands back, pressed it on top of his head, and looked down at her seriously: "Yun Jin."

Immediately, heavy kisses swallowed her.

Yun Jin's hand gradually loosened, and the ointment fell to the ground, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the moment with peace of mind.

As for the ointment, she didn't know when she could put it on him again.

For Shen Jiwei, the ointment is not important anymore, as long as there is a cloud brocade, his injury will naturally heal.

Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin had a few sweet days.

Wu De, another strong competitor running for president, was taken away by the supervisory department because Shen Jiwei brought back conclusive evidence.

He colluded with various forces to create troubles, not only threatening the safety of He Feng, Shen Jiwei, He Kang and the entire presidential palace, but also the safety of the entire country.

So he will be severely punished.

When Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin received the news, they both felt a little embarrassed.

"For the sake of power, these people are really willing to give up everything and use everything." Shen Jiwei said, shaking his head.

"Speaking of, the crisis that Shen Bingwang caused to you is actually limited. But many people use these things to hurt you. But these people will be eradicated sooner or later, and they will not end well." Yun Jin said confidently.

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