But when He Feng left, her tears continued to fall.

The scenes from when I was young have returned to my youth.

Those young and beautiful years, like the sun and rain at that time, all reappear one by one.

But what was lost has been lost after all, and it's not the same as it was then to start again.

She would rather keep the good memories back then than let the memories be tainted by other things.

He Feng got in the car and sat in the car for a while before saying, "Let's go."

The car lifted up a cloud of dust, and finally moved farther and farther away from where Song Mother lived.

After Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin learned of this, they were also a little bit embarrassed.

"It's hard to say whether Mom's choice is right or wrong. It can only be said that this is her favorite choice." Shen Jiwei said in a low voice while hugging Yunjin.

"Although she is regretful, since she insists on doing this, she has no choice but to respect her meaning." Yun Jin whispered.

Once she thought of losing such a terrible thing, she couldn't help but leaned heavily in Shen Jiwei's arms.

Shen Jiwei also had the same thoughts. He couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to bear loneliness and longing alone without Yunjin.

He hugged Yunjin tightly.

"Hey, Shen Cheng and Ai Jia are about to have a wedding soon. What do you think we should give them?" Yun Jin thought of this, and his eyes curled slightly with a smile.

Shen Jiwei smiled and said: "I'm not good at giving gifts. If it were me, I might only choose to send cash checks."

"Well, let me see if there is anything like a diamond necklace in Ma's new design. I choose one to give to Ai Jia. As for whether you want to send Shen Cheng some cash check, that is your heart. "Yun Jin laughed.

Shen Jiwei suddenly felt guilty. Seeing her eagerly looking for something, he took her into his arms: "Yunjin, I still owe you a wedding. Whenever we have time, let's do the wedding too."

Yun Jin put out his tongue: "Forget it, forget it, I can't imagine what the wedding scene will be like when I think of two small ones who can't run or walk. I think, either. talk about it later."

"Why don't I accompany you back to country c? Simply live in country c for a while as a honeymoon?" Shen Jiwei suggested.

He knew that Yunjin hadn't returned to Country C for a long time, and it happened to be relatively empty during this period. It would be good to stay with her for a while.

"Okay. I miss my parents and eldest brother. Then when Shen Cheng and Ai Jia's affairs are over, we will go back." Yun Jin agreed with this proposal very much.

Shen Jiwei immediately discussed the time with her and made a schedule.

On the wedding day of Shen Cheng and Ai Jia, Yun Jin and Shen Jiwei were the first to arrive.

They also gave the most generous gifts.

Shen Cheng is an orphan. He was adopted by Shen Bingwang as a follower since he was a child. It was Shen Jiwei who discovered him, appointed him, and brought him to his side, becoming both a work and a brotherly relationship.

Seeing Shen Jiwei, Shen Cheng was very excited, and smiled: "Master, grandma, come and sit inside."

"Yun Jin go in first, I'm here with Shen Cheng." Shen Ji saw many things. Although Shen Cheng had no family, he still had many friends and colleagues and needed someone to receive him.

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