Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2494: Didn't care

I only saw a beautiful figure coming in and said with a smile: "Auntie, my family cooks dumplings tonight. I know you like celery stuffing, so I brought you a plate. Is Police Officer Song here?"

Song Yancheng recognized that this was Pang Pinrou, who was both a neighbor of the Song family and his colleague in the police station.

"Xiao Pang, is it you?" Song Yancheng nodded, using the same address as her in the police station.

Pang Pinrou was a little disappointed, and smiled: "Song Officer, why don't you call me Pinrou, Xiaopang Xiaopang, see you outside."

She consciously or unconsciously showed good wishes to Song Yancheng, but Song Yancheng had never thought about this before, and had never cared about it.

"It's okay." Song Yancheng said nothing else.

Mother Song knows it. She is also quite satisfied with this girl. She always comes to see her if she has everything or nothing. Although she is used to living alone, she always has loneliness.

She is totally unaccustomed to the lifestyle of Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin, and naturally she is not accustomed to living in Shen's house.

Pang Pinrou comes often and she likes it very much.

"Yancheng, are you hungry too? Sit down and eat together." Mother Song pulled Song Yancheng to sit down.

Song Yan came back to see his mother at all costs, so naturally he did not refuse.

Mother Song took Pang Pinrou again, and said, "Pinrou, you have worked hard, and you have brought me something in the big evening. Auntie also has some dishes here, so you can stay and have dinner with us."

Pang Pinrou was naturally willing, and said, "Auntie, I'm not welcome."

"What are you polite? Sit down. I still have some dishes in the kitchen, so let's take a look." Mother Song left with an excuse.

Pang Pinrou stayed with Song Yancheng alone, her heartbeat accelerated, and she asked in a low voice, "Police Officer Song, I have questions about work in the future, can I ask you?

"Of course. You can come to me if you have any work in the police station." Song Yancheng responded immediately.

In his own position, he is obligated to lead new colleagues to make progress. Moreover, he has always been interested in work matters, so he will naturally not refuse.

"It's great, then I will come to you tomorrow." Pang Pinrou said immediately, staring at Song Yancheng with starry eyes.

Song Yancheng didn't care about her gaze.

Even, he didn't pay attention at all.

Although he has always been sensitive and delicate, all this sensitive and delicate is used for investigating and solving the case, and definitely not for the personal affairs of his children.

It is this sensitivity and delicacy that allowed him to notice many places that other police officers did not notice, and also allowed him to crack many major and important cases.

It took a long time for Mother Song to bring out the dishes, but during this period, most of it was Pang Pinrou talking. Song Yancheng only slightly responded, his mind was not here.

After eating, Mother Song said, "Does Yancheng want to live here or go back?"

"No, there is still a lot of work waiting for me in my apartment. I will go back first." Song Yancheng stood up.

Pang Pinrou also stood up immediately.

Mother Song said with a smile: "Pin Rou, if you also go out, go to the small supermarket outside and bring me toothpaste."

"I'll go buy it." Song Yancheng said immediately when he heard that he wanted to buy something.

"I will go out with you, and then I will take it back when I buy it, and it won't affect your return to work." Pang Pinrou understood that this was an opportunity created by Song Mother, and she could go out with Song Yancheng for a walk.

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