Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2509: Deny immediately

"Aren't you in a hurry to go to work?" Tang Tian asked, brought the egg custard over, and said thank you.

"Eat first." Song Yancheng didn't speak any more, eating seriously.

Tang Tian also began to eat seriously, but she didn't know what Song Yancheng meant. She was in a rather complicated mood.

What's more, she is still busy looking for a job to work.

I thought of what Sally had threatened her before, and asked her to figure out whether or not to join her for three days.

Tang Tian's answer is of course impossible to go.

However, if you refuse, maybe Sally will not be like the last time, just using deception.

Sally has mixed up with many men, and it is likely that she will take extreme measures this time.

Do you want to talk to Song Yancheng? Tang Tian raised her eyes and looked at him, seeing Song Yancheng's alienated eyes, she hesitated.

Song Yancheng can help her this time, but he may not be able to help her again and again in the future.

This was how she was born, and her ability to escape her destiny was too limited.

"Follow me when you finish eating." Song Yancheng said.

"Where to go?" Tang Tian stood up immediately, not understanding what he meant.

"I know that you grew up in an orphanage and also helped there. Didn't you say that the situation in the orphanage is worrying? You always have to find a solution, right?" Song Yancheng said, "Go and solve this matter now."

When Tang Tian heard this, he was overjoyed and smiled: "That's okay. Officer Song, is there any resources available in the police station that can be applied for? I heard that there are resources in some places. I have come to apply for several times, but every time It’s because I handed in a lot of materials, and there is nothing to follow. Most of these children in the orphanage have a very ordinary life, many have not yet gone to school, and some children are young and need to take care of them. But there are too few teachers. Many teachers, for this low-paying job, do not even take care of their families, and stay in the orphanage all day long, but they are still not enough."

Tang Tian said, her voice lowered: "These children are also very pitiful. So Sally did that... there are also her difficulties. Before, her brother was also in the orphanage and was seriously ill, and had no money at all. Treatment. She also entered that line to treat her brother. It's just that her brother was in the hospital and was not rescued."

Therefore, even in a situation like that in the police station, she is alone, not wanting Sally to add more unnecessary pain.

Although it was painful to be betrayed by Sally, she also understood the pain Sally was enduring.

Song Yancheng looked at her and said softly: "Sally is the friend who lied to you?"

"Yes..." Tang Tian looked at him, suddenly thought of his identity, and immediately denied, "No! Not her!"

The little lie she told was completely invisible in front of Song Yancheng.

He has seen how many criminal suspects, and his psychological insight into them.

Of course, this ability weakened in front of Tang Tian.

But she will never be fooled.

"I see-Sally." Song Yancheng said thoughtfully.

Tang Tian hurriedly said: "Song Officer, what are you going to do? Are you going to find Sally? If this matter has been settled, don't..."

"There is nothing to do." Song Yancheng interrupted her, "It's just that I already understand the situation. You don't need to worry about the follow-up."

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